New Project On The Horzions

Started by Kamdan, Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 04:36

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Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 04:36 Last Edit: Fri, 27 Mar 2009, 03:50 by Darrell Kaiser
I?ve been feeling lately that I haven?t been given enough attention to the 20th anniversary of Batman and I feel like I should make a major contribution to this event. After viewing jambedavdar?s Building Empire and Returning to Jedi, I?ve been thinking about doing a project similar to that those, but with Batman. I already know where an abundance of info can me located (wink). I?ll also be utilizing the material I had used for my Senior Project about Batman. This will be my offering for the anniversary. I?m pretty sure it will be done by the anniversary date. Wish me luck!

Good luck!

Man, if you can put this together, you will be Godly!
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton