Siskel and Ebert review MOTP

Started by koumorijeff, Tue, 18 Mar 2008, 05:39

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I had never seen that before.  What a lovely review.  THANK YOU for posting that.

I hope Ebert heals quickly.... both Ebert and Siskel had been fans of comics, and animation, for decades--long before it caught on with other major critics.  Props to them.

Siskel didn't like Mark Hamill's awesome Joker voice?!
Oh well, glad about the positive review. This picture deserves every attention it can get.

Quote from: Batman on Sun, 20 Apr  2008, 13:24
This picture deserves every attention it can get.
Indeed. I rate MOTP very highly. It is pure Batman, full of action, excitement and character.

No matter what this review said MOTP is one of the best on screen interpretations of Batman EVER!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Fri, 16 Jan 2009, 09:04 #5 Last Edit: Sun, 12 Apr 2009, 18:16 by Dark Knight Detective
I hate how it wasn't a box-office smash back in '93. This is the best animated Batman film ever! Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero is 2nd place. Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman & Batman vs Dracula are 3rd.

I'm definitely not going to consider Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker a Batman film b/c of the following reasons; I HATE Terry Mcginnis, the Joker looks as though he's into bondage, Bruce gets apprehended too easily, why doesn't the Joker have a new body made for him instead of using Tim Drake's body, etc. It's just so God-awful.

In my opinion, that & the Batman Beyond show are the two absolute worst projects from the Timmverse. I mean come on, a teenage Batman!? Let alone it's not Bruce Wayne or a reincarnated version of him! I only watched the series in hope of Bruce coming back as Batman (but with a MUCH more intimidating suit), but that didn't happen. 

Fortunately, the Justice League cartoons had him as a founding member of the League. Like always, he was so awesome (not to mention that I loved the new batsuit over that stupid Beyond suit by lightyears)!

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Batman Beyond was fantastic. Thought I'd feel the same way as you but I neded up loving it.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Fri, 16 Jan  2009, 19:01I'm sorry you feel that way.

Batman Beyond was fantastic. Thought I'd feel the same way as you but I neded up loving it.
Agreed, agreed and agreed again.  The only gripe I've got is the JLU Epilogue, which pretty much tore apart what I liked most about the series.  Making Terry a clone/son of Bruce ruined the random similarities the two shared.  Making it all part of a larger plot by Waller detracted from everything.  Bleh!  Otherwise I love it.