The Oscars

Started by Paul (ral), Sat, 24 Jan 2009, 12:04

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On the topic of the oscars, does anyone happen to have a video of Batman winning the Oscar for best art direction. Either a video or link to a video. It really would be great to see that.

Heath Ledger won the pitty award....Oh wow who didn't see that coming. Man te Oscars are so FOS, no wonder everyone calls them a joke.

Tiss a bit ironic?, Nicholson's Joker has it's end at the 20th year annaversary of the movie.

In fairness, everybody has a theory on when the Oscars lost all credibility.

In truth, we all agree that the Oscars have lost all credibility.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 24 Feb  2009, 07:05
In fairness, everybody has a theory on when the Oscars lost all credibility.

In truth, we all agree that the Oscars have lost all credibility.

Amen to that bro. I didn't even know the Oscars were on. That's how much I care to watch them now.  They are pure Hollywood b.s. now. 
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."