Michael Keaton on GMTV this very morning

Started by PJ, Thu, 1 Oct 2009, 15:56

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Not much, but he's looking well.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

Nice interview, thanks PJ. I was looking at Michael's face very intently and he looks great for a guy who's almost sixty. He still looks vibrant. Great to know. He's also gonna be starring in a new film called The Other Guys, where he plays a police chief over two officers playes by Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell.

If Keaton could ever play another role in another Batman film including a cameo, what kind of role do you think he should play?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Interesting question. As I said before in a previous post, I am still holding ou for Keaton to return as Batman/Bruce Wayne in a Batman Beyond movie situation. I think he would be superb as an older Bruce Wayne passing on the mantle to a younger crime fighter. And to think of it, he could play a detective who has a vital piece of information concerning  a bat-villain, a sort of older, wiser cop. That could work.

Thanks for the link. I just visited the imdb link for the Merry Gentleman, seems to be interesting.

Quote from: Grissom on Thu,  1 Oct  2009, 20:01
I am still holding ou for Keaton to return as Batman/Bruce Wayne in a Batman Beyond movie situation.
I think we will be holding out for a very long time. Unfortunately.

You know its funny, a few days ago I was going through the tv programs and nothing was on.

Flicked through the menu again and a show about movie stars "big breaks" was on. The description said nothing about who was in the show. Anyway, I recorded it and went about my day. I sat down that night and flicked it on.

Who was the show about? Only Michael Keaton and Batman!

I love weird coincidences like that.

I think Keaton loved Beetlejuice the best out of all his roles.  Though i believe his batman was better i cant fault him for the choise and its good to see him praise Tim Burton.