Sweeney Todd

Started by Paul (ral), Wed, 30 Jan 2008, 10:57

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Anyone see Sweeney Todd yet? I just watched it today and thought it was great.

I have to say at first I wasn't too impressed with Depp's voice, but 10 mins in and I was over it.  I had never seen the musical or heard the songs before, so this was all fresh to me.

It's great to see Burton playing out his love of old horror movies, especially Hammer horror.

I absolutely loved it!!!!

Tim Burton's best movie in years!

The costumes, set design, Johnny, Helena and of course the music were all spectacular!!! (and i'm not usually one for musicals)

If you haven't seen it... do so right away - and remember why you fell in love Burton and his movie making in the first place!!!

I'll miss you dad xx

I have just watched it for the third time.   Basically the soundtrack has invaded my head and will not shift.

My wife and I want to see it, but it's so hard for us to get sitters for the kids I doubt we'll be able to. I was thrilled we were able to go see Cloverfield.