Danny DeVito Interview

Started by johnnygobbs, Sat, 30 Jul 2016, 08:15

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A must for any Batman Returns fan, and I know there are many here. :)

Danny, as I'm sure you Batman Returns fans all agree, is a such a great guy!
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Back in April this year, DeVito looked back at some of his favourite roles of his career, and obviously, it included his take on the Penguin. He revealed the Organ Grinder's monkey once got so frightened at the sight of DeVito in character that it tried to bite his balls off!  :-[

The DVD special features for the movie had DeVito speaking about the monkey freaking out while rehearsing the delivery of Batman's note scene, but he never mentioned anything about that moment. DeVito may have looked back on the incident amusingly, but had he been seriously harmed, I can't imagine what a PR disaster it would've been for everybody involved. The fact that an animal could overreact so badly appears to be a risk assessment failure on the trainer's part.

See what I did right there? If you want to invite a discussion over the actors and their performances, THIS is how you do it. Not using their political opinions as a petty attempt to troll people you don't like. 
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon, 16 Sep  2019, 12:48
Back in April this year, DeVito looked back at some of his favourite roles of his career, and obviously, it included his take on the Penguin. He revealed the Organ Grinder's monkey once got so frightened at the sight of DeVito in character that it tried to bite his balls off!  :-[

The DVD special features for the movie had DeVito speaking about the monkey freaking out while rehearsing the delivery of Batman's note scene, but he never mentioned anything about that moment. DeVito may have looked back on the incident amusingly, but had he been seriously harmed, I can't imagine what a PR disaster it would've been for everybody involved. The fact that an animal could overreact so badly appears to be a risk assessment failure on the trainer's part.

It sounds like there's some kind of cut when DeVito started telling that story. Obviously the video cuts to something else. So it's totally possible that he did recount that story when he sat for the interview and somebody wisely decided to cut his anecdote out.

That type of thing was pretty typical by 2005, when that set came out. Director commentaries, BTS interviews and stuff like that were filtered through five or six different legal departments to ensure there's no possible way anybody could get sued over something. The end result was that DVD extras became a lot less interesting.

Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Mon, 16 Sep  2019, 12:48See what I did right there? If you want to invite a discussion over the actors and their performances, THIS is how you do it. Not using their political opinions as a petty attempt to troll people you don't like. 
What are you talking about? There was obviously nothing even remotely political about the OP. It seems pretty clear that if anybody thought a political message was being sent with the OP, that's their fault. We all know the OP would never contrive some petty, transparent attempt to inject politics into something. I mean, even the very suggestion that the OP would ever do something like that is beyond the beyond.

After all, isn't the OP (somehow) the real victim here?