Commission Request: Superman 2 Fan Edit

Started by Gotham Knight, Wed, 3 May 2023, 17:59

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I have no idea where to do or who to ask. I wish to commission a personal edit of Superman 2. It is a mostly Donner version with a new ending. Is there anyone out here that knows to get in touch with anyone that does this stuff? I need an editor who can do all that and clean images up and apply music as I wish to employ at least one deleted scene. I don't think it would be the most complex edit ever. It just cleaning up turn the world back stuff so that it definitely happened in Supes 1 and figuring out a new ending that's probably just letting the downer balcony ending stand as the finish for the film.

Here's a list version of what I'm asking for:

-Donner Cut centered

-HD presentation, up conversion of deleted scene (arctic patrol) required.

-Clean editorial job for Prologue and ending of film. Not looking for drastic re edits of structure or events outside of letting Lex and villains get an epilogue and no time travel redo. Sad balcony ending.

-Will negotiate $$$, please use pay option what will accept pre pay visa gift cards. I guarantee at least 2 zeroes, but if you are looking for 3 zeros you will end to impress me!

Not sure that anyone here can assist you with that.

But has tons of stuff listed. Superman II is one of the most fan-edited films of all time. It might be second only to Star Wars- The Phantom Menace to tell you the truth. So, there's a good chance that a fan edit along the lines of what you're looking for already exists.

But if it doesn't, has a message board you can sign into and see what your options are.