Joker Purple Tailcoat

Started by Joker81, Tue, 17 Jun 2008, 18:43

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Where can I get one of these, I see some fans have them in their homemade Joker outfits.

I want one!! lol anyone know where to get it? :-\

I see some of the fans on here have Purple tailcoats to go with their Joker outfits.

Where did you get them, and where can I get one of these bad boys?

I'm sure someone will have a better suggestion, but how about going to a tailor and have it custom made? Not cheap, though.

maybe you could bleach a black one, then dye it purple.

yeah I thought about that, but I dont think I possess the skills!

Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 02:06 #5 Last Edit: Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 02:09 by shadowbat69
There is a mass produced "animated" styled costume that comes with one. There was also a very nice one that came with the licensed Nicholson costume, but is very rare and hard to come by. Other than that, you can either make your own or check the thrift stores for one. If none of that works, you can always get a white coat and dye it purple.

I merged the 2 topics to one. No sense having the same thing in 2 different sections.

I never seen the mass produced animated one before, where can i get that?

Thanks, will keep my eyes peeled. But you said you HAD 2 Nicholson ones, do you not have them anymore?

Hot Topic now has the Heath Joker Jacket for only $60.00!!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

The jacket is pretty nice, I tried it on and everything!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.