New Hi-Res photos

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 27 May 2008, 13:22

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The Returns photoshoot sessions were done by Jack Pedota...he was a pizza delivery guy who got lucky enough to get Tim Burtons's an excerpt form an online magainze that tells the story....

"It's really nice that for such a silly business as this is, it does come down to people's creativity," said Tim Burton, the director of the widely anticipated and widely hyped "Batman Returns," which opens on Friday. "That's what it should be."

He was alluding to a pizza delivery man, a photograph and Batman.

Jack Pedota, a 29-year-old photographer, was delivering Italian food from Angeli Caffe, a trendy restaurant on Melrose Avenue, to numerous Hollywood offices when a food order came from Mr. Burton's assistants several weeks ago.

Mr. Pedota had been trying in vain off and on for several years to reach Mr. Burton, since watching the director's 1989 success, "Batman." Mr. Pedota was dazzled by Mr. Burton's dark imagery, and wanted to show the director some of his own off-beat photography. But the young photographer had been given the brushoff.

"I called Tim's assistant once a week for three weeks," he recalled. "She said Tim was very busy and I should call back in about a year and a half."

The order for pizza gave Mr. Pedota the chance he'd been looking for. He took along his favorite personal photo, a highly stylized picture of a New York fashion model, rode to Mr. Burton's office and handed it to the assistant as a gift for the director.

Lana Turner may or may not have been discovered sipping a soda at Schwab's Drug Store, but there's no doubt about the discovery of Mr. Pedota.

Hours after his delivery, he got a call from Mr. Burton's assistant. "Tim loves it," she said. "He wants to see your portfolio."

The denouement was as swift as the Batmobile. All those movie posters of the Caped Crusader, the Penguin and the Catwoman in subways, bus stations and on billboards were photographed by Jack Pedota.

"He has a sort of infrared technique, which is really nice," Mr. Burton said. "We just thought, why doesn't he shoot our poster? It's so nice when this happens. There are so many Catch-22's in Hollywood. You can't do this, you can't do that. It's really nice when something is simple and clear and cuts through. It makes it kind of worthwhile."

Mr. Pedota is still delivering food part time while he contemplates his next career move. But he has used some of his newly earned money to buy a 1958 Jaguar.

"I love to drive and see my photographs all over town," he said. 

Quote from: raleagh on Mon,  9 Jun  2008, 15:35
"twisted tungsten" technique.

Could you please explain this technique a little further?

It's shot on infa-red film, that alters the colours.

QuoteHis use of a ?twistedtungsten? technique produced fantastic vibrant other-worldly colors not generally found in nature. For the portraits of Michelle Pleiffer, for instance, her lips were painted bright blue, and she was shot on color infra-red film.

For some reason I don't have access to the photos??

Do I need to hit a certain post count or something?


Quote from: nickdaring on Fri, 20 Jun  2008, 06:54
For some reason I don't have access to the photos??

Do I need to hit a certain post count or something?


Are you signed into the main section of the site ok?  At the moment, although the forum and the main site look connected they are not.  I have only just found out how to make them use the one login (but i wont be using it until next week).

You will know you are logged in if your name appears to the left of the menu at the top.  Other than that, i'm lost - the pics are available to all members.

I need a very Hi - Res photo or scan from the Gotham Skyline what we see when the movie start after the music. Can anybody help?

the best i have at the moment

Thank you very much. It is the pic what i mean. It is possible that this motive is on a press kit slide?