What do you actually LIKE from the Schumacher films?

Started by DarkVengeance, Wed, 26 Nov 2008, 04:18

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A small little scene I dig from Batman and Robin.

Bruce in his regular clothing and sees the Robin signal in the sky. Bruce again warns Robin about Ivy. This time it gets through. Something about this scene has stuck with me. Just a direct chat between the two in the batcave.

^ Yes, very definitely, that is a cool little scene. On some level, Dick knew Bruce was telling him the truth. I dug that too.

Esthetically speaking both movies by Schumacher are pleasing to watch. Where the rubber leaves the road (so to speak) is the dialogue. Both movies are plagued with cringe-worthy lines that take you out of the scene because they are so over-the-top. Batman & Robin suffers from that more than Forever, simply because the novelty of the new look Schumacher introduced in Forever is off the table now. People are paying more attention to what is being said and less about the spectacle in each scene. But I enjoy the films as true comic book movies. I like the sets and lighting. The costumes are fun and still hold up to this day. I think time has spoken more for these films than their critics. In my mind, Forever would be a better movie if it got trimmed with a few edits. B&R would be a better movie if you just turned the sound off. Too much to fix in the delivery and dialogue there. But in appearance, both are still strikingly good looking films, even now. So they may yet find a resurgence in popularity, as more Batman films are made and each new generation discovers them. There are so many films I grew up watching that were deemed utter failures (critically and commercially) by my generation. Yet many have gone on to become huge cult classics by a younger audience. I can only believe these films will find their audience (and following) as time goes by as well.