Arkham unhinged

Started by riddler, Mon, 14 Oct 2013, 12:37

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anyone read this series yet? Pretty neat if you like the game, fills in a lot of the backstory.

I have the Arkham City comic hardcover and the first volume of Unhinged. The second collected volume of Unhinged is out now, and I'll get it soon.

The third volume is coming out next year and will conclude the releases, including End Game as well. I'm sure they will release the online Arkham Origins comics at some stage as well. They better.

The Unhinged comics are pretty good. I like them, anyway. The Arkham City comic is the strongest story in my opinion, given it had the advantage of leading in to the actual game. The other stories fill in smaller gaps.

For me it's the same as with other comic tie-ins of games. The biggest part of the enjoyment are the elements that can't be replicated in comics. Not only the interaction, but the visuals, the voice actors, the music etc. But they're good.