Rumour: DC Comics/Justice League-based movies in development

Started by The Laughing Fish, Sat, 14 Jun 2014, 05:14

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Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu,  7 Aug  2014, 18:59
Not to sound pessimistic, but I'm highly sceptical about WB's ability to follow through with this. It's most likely a show of confidence intended to make the new BvS release date look like part of a larger strategy. Let's not forget they announced a stream of superhero films after The Dark Knight came out, but after Jonah Hex and Green Lantern flopped, they abandoned all of them. They only got to work on Man of Steel after a judge told them they had to if they wanted to keep the rights.

Remember the films Superman Lives, Justice League: Mortal and David Goyer's Green Arrow: Super Max? Remember the TV shows The Graysons and the Wonder Woman series Amazon? DC/WB love to announce things, but they seldom see them through to completion. They should wait and see how much money BvS makes before making premature commitments.

But I sincerely hope they do release this many DC movies, as long as they're not all Batman and Superman films.

It's surprising that after all the projects which WB and DC nixed that Jonah Hex and Green Lantern made it through. superman returns 2 (which actually would have been titled Man of steel) and batman triumphant are two more which got nixed.

Now on the plus side by 2016 all the main JLA will have hit the screen including the Green Arrow and Flash. Perhaps Aquaman and Cyborg are next although given WB and DC's lack of confidence in their characters, I would be surprised.