campaign bimbo

Started by Catwoman, Wed, 10 Apr 2013, 08:04

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lets speculate on what the campaign bimbo's reaction was to learning that her coolest role model a young girl could have was actually a brutal killer who planned to murder innocent children and where she might have gone after that.

my guess is she gave up politics after that, went into modeling, and became the next ice princess. lol.

She forged a successful baseball career after hurling a tomato at Penguin's umbrella during the Batman sabotaged press conference. A talent scout saw her action and signed her up the next day.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 10 Apr  2013, 08:29
She forged a successful baseball career after hurling a tomato at Penguin's umbrella during the Batman sabotaged press conference. A talent scout saw her action and signed her up the next day.

Was he a real talent scout or an ugly bird-man with fish breath carrying a suspiciously bat-shaped 'camera' escorted by a raggedy poodle lady?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

She became a supervillain.  :D

She probably went on to be the next Gothamite beauty queen and never mentioned Penguin again.