Need help, need some panels

Started by GothamAlleys, Wed, 26 Jan 2011, 18:14

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Hi all, I thought maybe Ill try here. Well, Ill be updating my History of Joker article ( with more side by side comparisons on how Jack mirrored the comic book Joker, and I thought maybe I could ask here for help  - I need a panel from Batman #1 where Joker announces his plans on the radio, specifically with the "midnight" line since thats also what he does and the time he gives in the movie. Also, if anybody has more suggestions, feel free to post them

Ok, I already got all the panels I need and updated the article, still, if one has any additions, dont be shy

I would've loved to have helped out here but I gave up on my scanner/printer a while back. Still, I happen to have a scan of the splash page in the 1st issue, the first image of the Joker the reader sees.

Thanks Uncle Bingo, fortunately I managed to find all the panels I wanted, the only thing tho - which issue is this panel from?

Any of you guys know where I can find Batman #15 (1943)? I dont have it anymore, and cant seem to find it but its crucial for my article, I need scans from it and refresh my memory about the story

Quote from: GothamAlleys on Mon, 21 Feb  2011, 06:53
Thanks Uncle Bingo, fortunately I managed to find all the panels I wanted, the only thing tho - which issue is this panel from?

Aha.  Sorry, I didn't catch this until now, but I recognize this because I brought up the comparison years ago on another site.

This is from "The Joker's Happy Victims"- a Batman's Kellog's Special in 1966.  It first caught my attention when it was reprinted in The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told (the collection with the Brian Bolland Laughing Fish cover, not the Alex Ross Joker cover).
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Mon, 8 Apr 2013, 04:26 #7 Last Edit: Mon, 8 Apr 2013, 04:28 by thecolorsblend
I'm hijacking this thread because the below probably isn't worth a thread to itself. I'm sure none of you will mind.

On the last page of The Case of the Chemical Syndicate in Detective Comics #27 (published 05.1939), the killer panics, says he won't be sent to the electric chair and tries to escape from Batman.

On the last page of The Case of the Chemical Syndicate reprinted in Detective Comics #387 (published 05.1969), the killer panics and tries to escape from Batman but the word balloon referring to the electric chair has been removed. The word balloon is also missing in Detective Comics #627 (published 03.1991). This as well as other variations can be seen in other reprints as well (see below).

A Comics Code-enforced edit? Weird.