Need advice

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 31 Jan 2012, 12:26

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Im setting up an episode list for TAS in the site database but I have a conundrum...

Do you consider The New Batman Adventures (with the character redesigns) part of TAS or

should TAS be listed as 2 series and TNBA be a separate series?

I have seen some treat them seperately.


I would have them separate. Canon connections or not, both series' have different names and they should be utilised for their respective episodes. Among other things, Bruce Timm has said the radical redesigns were intentional to distinguish the two shows from each other. And there is a change in the characterisation of Batman as well as the way stories were told. In TNBA Batman is a leader of crime fighters and not a loner type in the same way as BTAS. Just my three cents, one cent per idea.

Also - the universes the characters inhabited looked very different. TAS was a fantasy version of 30s/40s America, TNBA much more contemporary.

Agreed, better have them separate.

It's late, but they're the same. The whole naming thing is irrelevant after they opted to have the opening without a title. Note that the original opening was restored for The New Batman Adventures.

In conclusion, I say leave it as the same series, as the creators have intended. If you're going to seperate it by name, then you may as well make The Adventures of Batman & Robin a different entry as well.