Tim Burton/Michael Keaton's Third Batman Film (links and pages)

Started by Rebel, Sun, 21 Oct 2012, 03:28

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Check out and like this new Batman 3 facebook page! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Batman-3-Tim-BurtonMichael-KeatonDanny-Elfman/289064001193311

Also, if anyone else has a Burton Batman 3 film page/site, please post it here, so that we can all network.

I feel that now is the perfect time to start generating interest and hype for a potentiel third Batman film from Tim Burton and Michael Keaton! Please spread this to all your friends, and suggest that they do the same! :)

Much as I would love to turn the clock back and see Keaton in the batsuit I think we all know this is NEVER gonna happen. Internet polls or not. I think the door is still open for a Burton return but it depends if he has an interest to take another crack at it. Given his recent lamer films he seems to have a desire to return to his roots (Beetlejuice 2 for instance). Maybe he would also like to turn on the Bat Signal again.

But bringing Keaton back would never be good. The guy is too old now. I'd rather he would be seen in his "prime" so to speak by newer fans. But I certainly wouldn't rule out him popping up for a cameo scene! The way to bring back the days of a Burton Batman film is simply to try and return in certain ways to that style but with a wholly new cast and damn good story. This is an opportunity they now have, whether Warners takes it only time will tell. I think in the recent James Bond film they are trying to bring back the classic feel of the older films. I think Batman should attempt to now do the same after 7 years and 3 films of the "realistic" era.

I don't think there's a hardcore Burton fan that wouldn't want to see something like this. But.. it's too late. Not to mention, issues about Keaton's age cast aside, Burton's Alfred isn't with us, and there could be no other Alfred in Burton's Batman than Michael Gough.

What is theoretically possible, I think, and I would love to see, is a future animated movie with Keaton doing Batman's voice. That would be great.

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Tue, 23 Oct  2012, 00:47
I don't think there's a hardcore Burton fan that wouldn't want to see something like this. But.. it's too late. Not to mention, issues about Keaton's age cast aside, Burton's Alfred isn't with us, and there could be no other Alfred in Burton's Batman than Michael Gough.

What is theoretically possible, I think, and I would love to see, is a future animated movie with Keaton doing Batman's voice. That would be great.

That is an excellent point! Reason enough in fact. And let's not forget Pat Hingle too. It upsets me he now gets overshadowed by the Gary Oldman Gordon who is clearly more accurate in character and appearance. Nevertheless I grew up with Hingle's version. Never forget that trademark bowler hat lol

The animated movie idea is a superb and fun idea. Forget Dark Knight Returns THAT would be an exciting thing. They could even re-use the Elfman theme, animate the old Batmobile. God let's get promoting this idea!

Well, an animated movie set in the "Burtonverse" would be... the word "great" doesn't describe it sufficiently, but not a very realistic prospect. But I think Keaton could reprise his role in a DCU animated movie, e.g. an adaptation of Batman: Hush done in the style of Red Hood (that film also didn't star Kevin Conroy). Since Batman and Catwoman's quasi-romance is central in the plot, with a bittersweet ending, imagine their voices done by Keaton and Pfeiffer.

Keaton's age would not be an issue if Burton took another page from The Dark Knight Returns. Keaton is actually at the perfect age to play a retired Bruce Wayne who, because of new major threats to Gothom, becomes Batman one last time. The idea of an old legend coming back for one more goaround is not a new idea, but it is a welcomed one (e.g. Clint Eastwood in "Unforgiven" or Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). Think about it, the story could open with Alfred's and/or Gorden's funeral (think about the scene in Indy 4 when an old Indy remmenises about losing his father and Marcus Brody)... Bruce is old, tired, sad... suddenly Gothom faces the threat of... let's say Scarecrow and Two-Face... a perfect chance for Billy Dee Williams to reprise his role, and for Scarecrow (whom Burton would do right, btw) to use his hallusinagines on Batman; offering a great possible cameo for Jack Nicholsen as the Joker. They could even have cameos from Vicky Vale and Knox. Batman, not being is physically strong as he was 25 years before, could enlist the help from a younger hero ( kind of like the Batman Beyond concept)... and a welcomed suprise would be a resurfacing of Catwoman, in which her romance with Bruce could finally be resolved. Michelle Pfeifer has already expressed her desire to play Catwoman again.

Warner Bros. needs more time to create a Batman reboot so soon after Nolan's reboot... especially if it is going to be clever creatively. In the meantime, what better chance for Burton/Keaton/Elfman to complete their own Bat-trilogy with one more film. If they had a really good script, this could be very special... it could be extraordinary. Just imagine sitting in a darkened theater and hearing Danny Elfman's amazing score haunt the surround sound one more time ;)

I never realized this before, but Robin Williams actually WANTED the Riddler role:
I think he could've done a great job, but it seems too late now.

The above posts got me thinking, though. Keaton may be a lot older now, but his career definately isn't done yet. I agree with the "Dark Knight Returns" attitude of having the older Batman return (it's been done with Dark Knight Rises, but oh well). When thinking about all the movies that do this kind of return, it would still be plausible. Of course, deceased actors in real life should be respected and not recast (there could be mentions of their fate and flashbacks or something).

And I say have Nightwing/Robin and Batman, or just Batman. The plots should outline Burton's "Batman 3" and "Batman Triumphant." Scarecrow and Joker should definately appear.