Bruce Wayne and politics.

Started by Batman88, Thu, 8 Nov 2012, 15:25

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 21:11 #10 Last Edit: Sun, 11 Nov 2012, 21:13 by SilentEnigma
Having quite recently read the entire No Man's Land arc, I liked the way Bruce is presented there. In the story he's certainly a humanitarian who cares for the poorest citizens of his city. He didn't relocate his companies, his actions certainly resulted in him losing a lot of money (just like that "energy" project that gets a brief mention in TDKR). I agree with some of the assesments above but I think whatever his political preferences might be, Bruce is on the side of regular, honest folk and not the various elites. In some way he's a bit like Superman.

Guys, I want to deeply thank you for the fantastic answers that you have so far given to my question.

I am so grateful that you have taken time out from your busy schedule to answer my kind of quirky, silly question.
"Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread."

Iron Man is in cahoots with the military which is of course a branch of the government. I'm thinking with his stance on weapons he'd be a republican.

Seems DC itself if democrat, Oliver Queen has come outright and said so.

^Well in the old school 70's Green Lantern/Green Arrow comics much of the conflict arose from the clash of the leftist/pro-union/fight the power Oliver Queen vs the more old school traditional conservative Hal Jordan. I don't know if that extends to all of the DCU, but being a radical leftist is definitely a engrained part of Oliver's character. Hell I remember that dreadful DC Decisions comic from a the last election, they adressed some heroes' affiliations that time (Ollie is obviously a leftist, while Power Girl was revealed to be voting Republican), but specifically kept Supes' politics a secret. I thought it was ridiculous that they said that Clark and Lois had never talked about politics 'till then, when Lois revealed she's conservative but Clark's views remained private. I dunno how that works for other people, but the idea that I wouldn't know my wife's politics (or she not now mine) sounds inconcieable to me.  :D