BTAS to TNBA Redesigns

Started by Slash Man, Mon, 28 Jan 2013, 19:33

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Due to budget constraints, the style of the show was changed greatly, but as we all know, the characters were also given a massive redesign as well.

Some were virtually untouched (Harley, Clayface and Two-Face), while some were given massive redesigns (Scarecrow). It seems that some were meant to be literal, and some were just design choices by the artists. For example, Riddler was seen destroying his old suit, and needed a new one, same with Bane. Some were also explained in the supplemental comic, Batman Adventures. Others weren't meant to reflect an actual change in the character's appearance, like Joker or Penguin (who magically has five digits now).

Here's my rundown of the new designs:

  • Joker: The redesign lacks expression and looks dull in comparisson.
  • Bane: Not drastic, but he looks more threatening now. I'd say it's a welcome change.
  • Killer Croc: He looks (and sounds) more like an animated crocodile now. His original design did need more green, but he lost some of his human features with this design.
  • The Ventriloquist: Clearly simplified, but I'm not sure if he's supposed to be balding or what. The original is still prefered.
  • Penguin: Aside from continuity, the new design just seems blander. While it fits his new character better, the old is still prefered.
  • Riddler: I like the new design. They opted to use the classic jumpsuit and ? cane, which is a plus. I'd almost say he's better than the original, if they didn't take away his mask and hair.
  • Mr. Freeze: His new suit is fine, but making him into a robot isn't.
  • Mad Hatter: Making him older and giving him a new suit is fine. But I didn't like that they made him more rodent-like
  • Catwoman: Very simplified, but it still works for the character. The pale skin is a little strange, though
  • Scarecrow: Doesn't remotely resemble a scarecrow, but he sure is scary!

And let's not forget about the heroes:

  • Batman: He looks a little blocky, and there's little contrast on the bland new costume
  • Bruce Wayne: In character, he lacks his previous charisma, and it almost shows through with his redesign
  • Batgirl: I prefer the new design. The colors are more appealing here
  • Comissioner Gordon: He looks noticeably older. He's almost too skinny now

What are your views on the redesigns?

I was very disappointed about The Penguin but I guess they couldn't do the Batman Returns version forever. My issue with it is that it never made sense. Where did he get the new hands from? Same for Catwoman. I disagree with fans who think her new self looked more like the movie. Her costume may have been gray but she originally looked a lot more like Michelle Pfeiffer to me.

I HATE I HATE I HATE the new Joker! lol Surely the worst decision of all. Nuff said.

Well WB forced Timm to make Selina Kyle and Penguin look like their movie counterparts and that Timm said he was glad to get rid of those designs.

Well i do think the costume on Catwoman with pale skin is possibly inspired by Burton's sketch for her and i like how she has black hair instead of blonde cause it was a dye job and i adore Catwoman no matter how she looks like.

Joker looks like an animaniac or a muppet.

I was just happy that Selina wasn't portrayed as one of those Green Peace/PETA terrorists anymore. Everything else was an afterthought.

Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 14:43 #4 Last Edit: Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 15:38 by SilentEnigma
Quote from: HarryCanyon on Tue, 29 Jan  2013, 01:06

Well WB forced Timm to make Selina Kyle and Penguin look like their movie counterparts and that Timm said he was glad to get rid of those designs.

It's not that they abandonded the BR design, but that the replacements weren't very good. The Penguin was just pathetic (well, he's supposed to be a pathetic character, but retaining some sort of menace - see the Pain and Prejudice mini-series, or Arkham City ) and strangely Catwoman's all-black suit looks like a midget zombie version of Pfeiffer's - the old grey suit didn't look like Pfeiffer's at all. Any way you look at them, the old designs for these two characters were more pleasing to the eye.

Penguin looks a damn sight more menacing and interesting to watch in the bottom pic. His suit especially is drawn superbly. They even got the "roly poly" bodysuit Devito wore for the shape down to a T. For some reason his humour looked better when animated like Devito. Remember the ending of "The Mechanic" ("Ah...1 Bat 4 U!!!") lol I wish Bruce Timm would be prouder of this design. Studio request or not it was a great achievement to animate the live action and tone it down. I wish there were photos of Timm visiting the Batman Returns set and drawing Devito. Be nice to see. I believe he sketched him during an early costume test so can it be his design was an early look for the movie Penguin before Burton added black mouth goo? Hmm.

Catwoman just looks a damn sight sexier. Look at that...rear lol The costume is not right but then did you really expect them to adapt the "S@M" inspired movie look? But the mask is spot on to me.

The original Penguin design reflected when the Penguin had his wardrobe ugraded once he was running for mayor (which was a reflection of the Penguin's classic appearance). I thought they found a good balance between the gruesome DeVito and the distunguished Penguin of the comics.

you forgot poison ivy. hers was kind of different.

i hated selina's lesbian haircut lol. i preferred her original design all around. wonder why?

Quote from: Catwoman on Tue, 21 May  2013, 01:39
i hated selina's lesbian haircut lol. i preferred her original design all around. wonder why?

I don't mind short hair on woman, but hers just looks "helmet-ish"

The hairstyle on the woman next to Penguin looks much better.

Catwoman, I thought you liked the original design because it was more like Michelle Pfeiffer.

Quote from: GBglide on Wed, 22 May  2013, 12:56

Catwoman, I thought you liked the original design because it was more like Michelle Pfeiffer.

that was the point. "wonder why" was rhetorical. lol.