My top 10 Batman moments of 2011 - I was on the radio

Started by Paul (ral), Sun, 15 Jan 2012, 16:14

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I was on a local radio station for website the week before last talking about the highs and lows of 2011. I headed the discussion on Batman in 2011 by giving my top 10 moments.

I am on for the whole 4 hrs but the Batman chat starts at the 95min and 10sec mark.

It was a last minute compliation on my part and there are a few things I would have added. Obviously being my first time on the radio I found myself unable to articulate my words at times  ;)

You guys agree? What are your moments?

I'm unable to view the video as I am at work presently but here are some of mine

1. Arkham City overall was my favourite batman experience. Each villain having their own world was outstanding as was flying from the city.

2. The dark knight overall. No one scene stands out, that was a great film from beginning to end. I did enjoy two face quite a bit

3. The last 20 minutes of batman begins, mainly the train sequence was outstanding

4. Arkham asylum. This really put batman on the video game map.Definitely the best superhero film and accentuates the best part of Batman - his rogue gallery.

5. Batman Forever's scene with Robin suiting up. Flawed films but always great to see a well executed scene in which the entire film has been building towards

6. The final confrontation in Batman- I could have put this one at number five for the same reason.

7.Bruce and Selina's dance at Shreks Ball in returns. This was an ironic thing as we both knew their dual identities the entire film but they just found out now in memorable fashion.

8. The opening sequence in returns of the circus gangs terrorism and Batman saving the day. Started off by showing Bruce literally waiting for his signal.

9.The short sequence of the joker in jail in the dark knight. He converses with batman and Gordon, the fact that it was intentional was awesome and this is when he launches his Dent/Rachel plot

10. The music in the first 2 films. Elfman was the man (still is!)

Good top 10 riddler,

but I was talking about moments in 2011!

Btw, it's an audio file not a video

Good list but... why, why, WHY they always put the Neil Hefti theme when the subject of "Batman" comes up??? :D

The 60s theme was added in post...not my choice!

Im not sure if i can reach a top ten, but here goes

1. Of course will obviously go to the fact that I took part in The Dark Knight Rises shoot as an extra, and got to see it film live in my home city of Pittsburgh. Not only the greatest Bat Moment of 2011, but the greatest moment of my life so far. I got to see Bane Facing off Against Batman, I got to see Nolan and Bale and many others in person. I couldn't have asked for much else!

2. Arkham City. Pretty self explanatory. The Best Batman video game ever made. It was a fun release, my girl dressed as Harl and we went to the midnight launch. Good times.

3. the Official TDKR trailer release. I went to the theater just for this, and later i found out I was actually in the trailer as an extra for a split second! (hopefully featured more in the actual film!) How friggin amazing.

4. Arkham City Hype and lead up. It was crazy and very exciting prepping for this for a solid 2 years. But the final month was awesome. I still have all of my Arkham city swag hanging up that I acquired through the hype period. Replaying Arkham Asylum in full the night before was awesome.

5. I was able to finally complete a few new Batman Movie custom figures of mine that were able to get me good business for months to come! Very grateful for all of that!

6. Hot Toys 1989 Batman figure announcement/pictures. how friggin awesome to finally have Keaton getting some love from major toy companies!

7. Thats all I got haha. I havn't been keeping up with the comics, bleh. If I think of anything else ill add it!