DC universe to be rebooted

Started by Silver Nemesis, Tue, 31 May 2011, 22:53

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Wed, 1 Jun 2011, 23:14 #10 Last Edit: Wed, 1 Jun 2011, 23:32 by Silver Nemesis
I may be wrong about this, but I think Singer's aborted sequel to Superman Returns was tentatively titled 'Superman: The Man of Steel'. Late last year IESB acquired a treatment of the script and released a summary on the internet. The title on the treatment, as they reported it, was 'Superman: The Man of Steel'. All the fan posters I've seen had that title too. The word 'Superman' wasn't dropped from the title until Nolan and Snyder came onboard, whereupon it was shortened to simply 'The Man of Steel'. Then earlier this year it was abbreviated yet again to just 'Man of Steel'.

It probably was just done to copy The Dark Knight. But I can't help wondering if there's more to it than that. Especially since they suddenly dropped 'The' from the title. The only logical explanation I can think of for why they might have done that is if the term 'The Man of Steel' was one of the things Siegel's lawyers were gunning for. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Either way, I'd be interested to know when the term Man of Steel first appeared in the comics.

I've also been hearing rumours that Cavill's costume will be updated to get rid of the trunks. If those rumours are true then the new suit in the comics might be modelled on the one from the upcoming movie. Kind of like how the Superman Blue/Superman Red idea was resurrected in the late 90s at the same time the electric-look Superman was being developed for Burton's Superman Lives.

Thu, 2 Jun 2011, 07:21 #11 Last Edit: Thu, 2 Jun 2011, 08:47 by Paul (ral)
An open letter to fans from Dan DiDio:

QuoteFolks, as you wonder and wait for the new series announcements to unfold, I just wanted to let you know that we are spending an extraordinary amount of time and energy to reinvigorate our line of characters and bring the best books possible for the widest audience possible. Sorry if anyone is feeling disenfranchised, especially since that's not the intent. Quite the opposite, we are trying to create a place and story where older fans can point for new fans to start, whether in periodical, graphic novel or digital. A place where everyone can share in the excitement of the DC Universe.

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and there are a lot of great things that don't need fixing. But we're also saying that we will not stand idly by and let series run on inertia and let the industry fade around us. All of us here at DC love the form and the characters way too much for that.

Tomorrow we begin filling you in on all the excitement we have planned, plenty of real news to talk about and it's time for everyone to join in the fun.



are they in financial trouble or something? 

A more detailed look at Superman's new costume.

The new design reminds me of Eradicator every time I see it.

It is the kind of design that would have been fine 10 years ago...now it just seems a little boring - not nearly an iconic as the original. But I am sure it will grow on me. The belt seems too "busy". I would have liked a little yellow in it. It would have broken the colour scheme up a little.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 13 Jun  2011, 23:01
The belt seems too "busy". I would have liked a little yellow in it. It would have broken the colour scheme up a little.
Agreed. The red belt blends right into the red cape behind it. The belt should've been yellow. Yellow on the front and back chest emblems isn't enough. I am glad, however, that they removed the undies. Hopefully that's a sign to things to come in MOS.

I just think there are some things you don't mess with, and Superman's costume is one of them.

I don't have a problem with most characters getting visual overhauls. But Superman... It just seems wrong to me. Superman doesn't have a distinctive mask or other unique visual characteristic to identify him. His costume is a composite of extremely basic elements: a simple cape, simple boots, simple belt. But it's the sum of those elements that makes the costume iconic. Take away any part of it – even the trunks – and you're dismantling one of the most recognisable pieces of iconography in modern pop culture.

They've tried it before, and they always ended up reverting to the original design. Unless there's some legal reason preventing them from using the original suit, then I expect they'll ditch this new look within two or three years. At least I hope they will.

This seems like a throwback to the "darker and edgier" era of comics in the 90s when Marvel and DC changed the costumes (or hairstyles) for several characters. Now they go for something new, I think the classic costumes will eventually return. These things go in circles.

Justice League #1 is out tomorrow. Anyone picking it up?

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Tue, 30 Aug  2011, 13:31
Justice League #1 is out tomorrow. Anyone picking it up?

Waiting on my copy to show up in the mail.


"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."