89 vs. 92..Favorite Batsuit

Started by shadowbat69, Tue, 6 Nov 2007, 03:09

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Which Keaton Batsuit is your favorite

1989 Batsuit
20 (57.1%)
Batman Returns suit
15 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 33

Sat, 20 Nov 2010, 17:41 #30 Last Edit: Sat, 20 Nov 2010, 17:46 by GothamAlleys
Anyone noticed that Burton's Bat costume is a mirror image of Neil Adams'?

Look at the pic above and picture it black.

- Same length of ears,
- same shape of the cape in the front (like a tent opening),
- the cape connected to the cowl,
- the cape hanging in the front while standing still,
- same belt and logo.
- same shape of the cowl (even from the back),

I like both, but I just love Returns more, the cowl is just so sharp and clean, but also menacing and scary in the dark, just a great suit

Sun, 21 Nov 2010, 19:36 #32 Last Edit: Sun, 21 Nov 2010, 20:16 by Uncle Bingo
I agree, they were definitely looking at Neil's work for inspiration.

This is a tough choice, I prefer the more armored look on the Returns suit, but I don't like the look of the material, the slickness. I guess they want the light to catch better on it, but I hate that. And from then on the suits stayed about that shiny, with exception of some of the shinier Schumacher suits. I definitely think the Returns cowl looks better from behind, the way neck thing lays on the shoulders and everything. Also, they took away the shielded gauntlets, which I love. The gloves look really "empty" without them.

And then there's the boots. I really love the original boots, they had a great tough look to them, the buckle and shin guards looked super badass. I don't like the Returns boots at all. And I actually prefer the original emblem to the more traditional one. Something about it seems a little off to me, I'm not sure why.

So ultimately I have to go with 89, mainly due to the gloves and boots. And there's just something about it's imperfections, and raw beauty that I just like. My ideal suit would be a cross between them.

Quote from: Uncle Bingo on Sun, 21 Nov  2010, 19:36
This is a tough choice, I prefer the more armored look on the Returns suit, but I don't like the look of the material, the slickness. I guess they want the light to catch better on it, but I hate that.
The slickness of the material was essential. Both suits reflect their respective films. With B89, we have an earthy, gritty feel. Rough and ready. The cape resembles literal bat wings, and the chest emblem looks mean. That's the tone of the film, especially with Gotham City. BR overall has a sleek feel to it. Winter and Catwoman contribute to that. The suit - (with clean chest logo) and Batmobile reflect that as well. Having the B89 suit in BR wouldn't gel. And vice versa.

1989 but returns was good i like 98 for the bat symbol
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light