Siskle and Ebert on Letterman talking Batman '89

Started by Grissom, Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 13:39

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I laughed at the point where the crowd boos Ebert for giving it a marginal thumbs down.

I also loved how Letterman defended Keaton's performance and said it was as good as Nicholson's, with which I agree. Both actors performed brilliantly in their given roles, it was good vs evil and they shone.

Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 22:03 #2 Last Edit: Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 22:07 by Tarzan1941
Great find!!!  I am sure this has been posted, but for those who want to watch the original debate here you go:

What I find hard to believe,  is Ebert at the 7:20 mark goes on a rant about how you need a good story and characters or the special effects mean nothing.  I agree.  Then why on God's green earth did he give "Avatar" a four star review (or a thumbs up) and give "Batman" a thumbs down if that is how he feels?!  If I ever get the chance to ask him, I think I will do precisely that!

Mon, 12 Apr 2010, 02:56 #3 Last Edit: Mon, 14 Feb 2011, 17:47 by THE BAT-MAN
Quote from: Tarzan1941 on Sat, 10 Apr  2010, 22:03

What I find hard to believe,  is Ebert at the 7:20 mark goes on a rant about how you need a good story and characters or the special effects mean nothing.  I agree.  Then why on God's green earth did he give "Avatar" a four star review (or a thumbs up) and give "Batman" a thumbs down if that is how he feels?!  If I ever get the chance to ask him, I think I will do precisely that!

I know what you mean.  When Ebert gave his review for The Crow, it seemed that he was contradicting himself when comparing his opinion of Batman.

Check it out.

Quote from: THE BAT-MAN on Mon, 12 Apr  2010, 02:56
Quote from: Tarzan1941 on Sat, 10 Apr  2010, 22:03

What I find hard to believe,  is Ebert at the 7:20 mark goes on a rant about how you need a good story and characters or the special effects mean nothing.  I agree.  Then why on God's green earth did he give "Avatar" a four star review (or a thumbs up) and give "Batman" a thumbs down if that is how he feels?!  If I ever get the chance to ask him, I think I will do precisely that!

I know what you mean.  When Ebert gave his review for The Crow, it seemed that he was contradicting himself when comparing his opinion of Batman.

Check it out.

Yeah interesting indeed.  I love The Crow and it is easily in my Top 5 Comic Book movies for sure.  I get the feeling though if you go back and watch enough of these old reviews, one would find several contradictions in their arguments.  I do have to agree with Ebert though on "Blade Runner", still after all these years, I have no clue as to what is going on.  I've given it a try more than once, but am still un-certain as to which version I am supposed to watch so I can get everything the story is trying to tell me.  It seems like a movie that I could like, would like and should like, but if someone has any clue as to the end all-be all version of the movie they could recommend I am all ears.  So with that said here is another link of Siskel & Ebert discussing the director's cut of "Blade Runner." 

I remember watching their show in the 90's and also watching many reviews before that online. I must say I agreed more with Siskel than Ebert. Siskel seem to be a bit more in touch with the story and the character in the film while sometimes it seemed Ebert looked on the more surface details. Their review of Batman and Batman Returns is evidence of that.

These guys were easily one of the best movie reviewers duo and for the more modern times I for one really like Richard Roeper. What do you guys think? Which film critic do you respect most or agree with most.

Barry Norman.  I don't agree with everything he says but probably more than most critics.  I also like the fact he treats mainstream and art films with roughly the same respect unlike most critics who clearly either favour one or the other.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Yeah, i always liked Norman. I had the fortune to see movie scores performed by the Ulster Orchestra a few years back and it was presented by Barry Norman. Between pieces he gave little stories of his time with celebs, etc. great stuff!