Blu Ray 20th Anniv. Extras Same As Box Set?

Started by WingedFreak71, Sun, 7 Feb 2010, 05:31

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i know i'm way behind on this but i'm just getting into blu ray somewhat - is the 20th anniversary blu ray basically the same as the disc in the dvd anthology aside from the better blu ray image?

any different extras?

Which is disappointing. I don?t know what else they could have offered, but as a fan of the film, I?m naturally always going to want more. It really does seem like they have said all they are going to with the special editions. At least we have better image quality.

thanks for the info

me too - always going to want more!

my dream aside from world peace is for an animated series voiced by keaton, produced by burton, drawn like the movie adaption comics

I remember some years ago, a list of what was supposed to be on the SE inlcuding HBO First Look , 20/20 profile etc. It will be great that some of these are included, including the making of a hero documentary as seen on youtube.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  8 Feb  2010, 01:57
Which is disappointing. I don?t know what else they could have offered, but as a fan of the film, I?m naturally always going to want more. It really does seem like they have said all they are going to with the special editions. At least we have better image quality.

For starters, proper box artwork and not this "I just discovered some Photoshop filters and bevel effects and messed around with the bat logo" crap  ;D

Seriously, there's always more stuff they could have included, like those mentioned. They are poor editions, but at least the quality is good.

Quote from: silenig on Sat, 20 Feb  2010, 01:04
For starters, proper box artwork and not this "I just discovered some Photoshop filters and bevel effects and messed around with the bat logo" crap  ;D
This I agree with. They could at least provide the official film text and emblem. The original design musn't be good enough for them. I have no idea why that is the case.

Thats one thing that really pisses me off, and the fact that they didnt even convert the extras to hi-def blueray quality. Though the booklet is badass, I would have loved if they set their differences apart and asked Keaton to do some new interivew footage.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.