Is Batman realistic? Or just a comic book character?

Started by burtongenius, Fri, 11 Dec 2009, 00:04

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  3 Jan  2010, 05:18
That site sucks. It really does. The owner has done more damage in this Burton/Nolan war thing than anyone else.
To me, that's the real tragedy right there.  Ya know?  It doesn't have to be that way.  To me, Burton's films are tops and may never be equaled (nevermind exceeded) by any other Batman movie.  But ya know what?  There's a metric crapton of awesome Batman stuff out there to talk about.  You've got the comics, BTAS, the West show and the Nolan movies themselves.  Again, I prefer Burton's movies but that doesn't mean other interpretations such as the Nolan movies don't have any entertainment value.

In BB, Batman beats the crap out of a lot of people.  The Nolan movies have a supercool bat signal and some awesome car chases.  TDK has an unspeakably awesome sequence where Batman goes to Hong Kong, beats up even more guys, kidnaps Lao and drags him kicking and screaming back to the States.  Batman probably beats the crap out of more people in TDK than he did in BB.  As juvenile as it is, I could watch a movie consisting of nothing except Batman kicking the crapola out of everybody and feel like I got my money's worth.  When it comes to ass-kickings, the Nolan movies bring home the bacon and then some!  There are things to admire in Nolan's films, no matter if you're hardcore Burton, comics, BTAS or whatever else.

But those are threads that are never going to take place.  At least, I won't be participating in them and, from the sounds of it, neither will a lot of other people.