
Started by MrJoker, Fri, 27 Nov 2009, 05:21

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Speaking hypathetically, how would you like to see Robin portrayed in a future Batman movie. Say he was teamed up with Keaton Batman. Would you like to see him full of angst like Anakin in Star Wars or something like Harry Osborne in the Spiderman movies also torn between good and evil....I would really love to hear your thoughts! :)

I think the anakin robin sounds pretty good and accurate.  For didn't robin become Nightwing in the comics or on the tv show?  Sort of has the jealousy of the fourth batman going on.  I think that a robin with maybe even better and quicker fight moves than keaton batman would be awesome and sort of complete the fighting of foes deal.  Though I did read on a  fansite that burton didn't like the concept off a robin character at all and instead wanted just a batcave helper- not out on the streets.  I think he was going to cast Marlan Wayans in the third burton riddler movie before it was axed.  I think the anakin/ awesome fight moves/ looser robin would be the best.  But I think burton didn't understand the robin character because he didn't see the point of a fighting robin (because robins don't scare people I guess).  Robins the best though.

I always thought it would be kinda cool to see Keaton do another Batman movie and kinda mentor Robin ala the new Indiana Jones movie with Harrison Ford and Shia Labouf.... :)

That would be awesome and paralelled, for both "father" characters are coming back from the golden years of movies.  It would be perfect.  I think the batman robin thing would be awesome and the movie itself would have to be the biggest ever to hold the attention of two super heroes.

I have a funny feeling me and you have the same taste in movies. I just think it would be really cool to see an aged and seasoned Keaton back in the Batman costume and to maybe add a new Robin. Can you imagine how much money that would make. Spiderman 3 made tons at the box office, so did Star Wars Revenge of the Sith and Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. All of these movies had younger characters like James Franco, Hayden Christensen, and Shia Labouf along with some older characters that can appeal to all different ages of audiences...... :)

I think we do have the same taste and I also think it would be the biggest movie in a long time if keaton came back for a third and last batman performance.  Heck, it would be pure genius.  Almost like it was planned that way.  Imagine all the old fans watching batman and up and coming hero robin, the past and future, fighting the last battle batman will probably fight.  Plus, it would draw all the keaton fans and all the regular batman fans.  It would be extremely interesting.  The timing couldn't be more perfect with all the comic book stories exploding (of course the old batman franchise didn't need a comic book boom to make its movie- it broke the mold  :)).  Anyhow, I would pay my 8 dollars handedly to see it and I'm most definetely sure alot of secret fans would come and see the batman they know has the goods.

i picture him as retired from crimefighting cause he hurt his leg on a motorcycle so now he's a limping ladies man. someone should write that as a story....oh wait...

I kinda have this vision of the new Robin in my head. Black hair spiked, the reds and greens in the costume are darker to make him look more intimidating. In his early 20s maybe, slinder muscular build. The eye mask maybe a bit smaller just enough to cover around his eyes. I think that he should carry a bo as his primary weapon and this time around birds are to Robin as bats are to Batman. I think that swarms of birds should fly around him when his angry and ready to take on an opponent and include a booming Danny Elfman soundtrack score. Maybe when Robin is out in the city swinging with his rope in the Gotham skyline they should play Indian chants to tap into some of that Indian mysticism..... :)