Who did you guys think WB was going to cast before the Keaton shocker?

Started by burtongenius, Sat, 2 Jan 2010, 02:16

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Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu,  7 Jan  2010, 20:16

;D  I wonder who'd win in a fight between Keaton and Nolan.

Both men are far too cool to fight each other.

Besides, this website would not condone such a thing and the thought of it is beneath us......

.....I say keaton  :D  ;)

I think Christian Bale now is bigger than keaton back then.  And by physique, I mean body mass.  Bigger usually means stronger. 

And as far as his fight skills, another person posted on this and I agree with him or her.  They said that all keaton did was respond to people fighting him.  He never really initiated the fight (except in the "I'm batman" scene where the people were scared to death with him.  With the people that weren't scared with him, he just responded to their attacks.  And thats not the batman I remember.  But like I said, burton made it work well within his movie.

And I think some facts can be conceded without having to make truth out of them, dont you?  :)

Its still strange to think ho good Keaton was just like nicholson as joker it was all in the facial emotes .

I've always said 70% of acting is in the eyes.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Bale may be bigger, but it all comes down to how you convey the threat. How you express the theatricality. Keaton?s Batman had it all down pat. Lifting his cape into the air and flapping it down in a dramatic whoosh, for example. It?s in the details. It?s living up to the street legend and letting it grow. It?s making the select few people who actually see him believe in the hyperbole. I think Keaton conveyed this aspect the best out of all the Batman actors.

Believe me; Keaton?s Batman had the fighting skills. Just standing there like a brick wall exudes all sorts of confident menace. Keaton did not really initiative fights. He ended them in a nonchalant manner. If the goons have the guts, they will come to him. That?s where the legend comes into play. Batman just does not utilize his skills and strength. It?s the complete package. More often than not, I'd expect most to stay well away from him. I'm sure they know how his resume reads.