Batman: GTA Knight (Batman mod for GTA)

Started by Azrael, Sat, 2 Aug 2008, 16:21

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Sat, 2 Aug 2008, 16:21 Last Edit: Mon, 7 Oct 2013, 17:12 by SilentEnigma

While browsing, I saw videos of some neat mods for GTA that featured really nice 3D models.

Fun to watch.
Batman: GTA Knight
featuring clips from all movie vehicles

Keaton car in GTA Vice City

Keaton car in GTA

Batman & Robin car (GTA San Andreas)

Batman Forever car

Batwing in GTA San Andreas

These are some very awesome mods.^^ Hopefully WB Interactive will make
a GTA Batman game where we can run free in Gotham.^^

I am Vengence,I Am The Night....

Quote from: Vexation on Sat,  2 Aug  2008, 21:17
Hopefully WB Interactive will make
a GTA Batman game where we can run free in Gotham.^^
That's what I want. Hopefully they open their ears and eyes and see that is what everyone else wants as well.

hahhaha but WB is famous for not listening to our opinions man .... seriously WB is not the best of the co.s to grab a $$ making opportunity ... sometimes i just wonder why .. .obviously the batman franchise could do much better if much more interactive and quality products are made ... for e.g. look at the toybiz marve legends, they already have the "movie masters" quality (actually, even better) AGES AGO before mattel comes up with this stuff. So sometimes it really pisses me off.  >:(

It is hilarious how Lego Batman looks to be the best Batman game yet. I'm sure going to get it, a good Batman game is long overdue no matter what form it appears in.