Batman Returns photoshoot

Started by Paul (ral), Fri, 11 Jan 2008, 14:09

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Even Bale bitched... like said "it's heavy, sweaty, and gives me a headache." or something to that effect.
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

Quote from: Darth Vader on Sun, 13 Jan  2008, 17:59
Even Bale bitched... like said "it's heavy, sweaty, and gives me a headache." or something to that effect.

I wouldn't say he bitched about it - that quote was actually a joke for all who worked on the crew...

but yeah, i would bitch too... those things do look hot and sweaty so congrats to Keaton and Bale for looking comfortable in the suit!!!

I'll miss you dad xx

lol. Even as comfortable as us costumers try to make our movie suits, they are still heavy and hot and uncomfortable. We may look cool and get a thrill from wearing it, but man are we bitching under our breath.lmao :D