20th anniversary cover...discuss

Started by Gotham Knight, Tue, 8 Jan 2008, 20:07

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Quote from: Darth Vader on Thu, 10 Jan  2008, 18:02
2009 might very well be our ultimate Batman year, where Burton and Nolan's products are side by side (not packaged obviously  ::) ). That's what I want to see when I go to Wal-Mart next year... an island shelf with nothing but TDK and B89 DVD's.

I actually talked to a former Warner Bros. employee back when the SE DVDs came out and I was told that they pretty much cleaned house on all the previous Bat-films by putting out the SE DVD's....I know that for the 89 movie they did multiple takes on pretty much every scene not to mention the fact that there were 2 scenes filmed with Sean Young as Vicky Vale ( the 1st dinner scene in Wayne Manor at the long tabel & the now deleted horse riding scene)...I also know that they filmed a ton of documentary footage that they could still include along with a better commentary( Keaton and Jon Peters would be nice)....too bad we may never see any of it

I highly doubt we'll see a 20th anniversay version. The 05 boxed set will suffice in WB's eyes, and since B89 was just one installment of an outdated franchise, there's no reason to give it any more fanfare. No real reasons will matter to them, no matter how much they mean to us.

If B89 was the only Batman film ever released, wasn't an adaptation of something as ongoing as a comic book series, or was still "in-continuity", it would have more chance of getting a release. But since the new franchise erases it from continuity, why bother with it? It is a classic to us, but a statistic to WB. TDK and the new films are the bread and butter. That's the biggest reason above all. It's not a "classic", it's an "older movie." Like I said, if Batman had been a character created in film, or was from a novel, something finite, the film would be given more due. But as Batman is ongoing, B89 was then, TDK is now. One replaces the other.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

All that said of course, any further releases of B89 are basically profit to WB since the movie is already made, unlike any new Batman movies.

Superman The Movie has had how many re-releases so far, and what about the Donner cut of S2?

With the potential Blu-Ray release coming in the future, I think WB should give us something more.  I really don't mind if they hold off on it for a year of so.

Only time will convince me either way.
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

They'll be another Batman DVD release, but  it'll likely be a 40th anniversary dvd, when we're all 20 years older.