Batman 89 -- truest in spirit to the comics?

Started by mrpokal, Tue, 3 Mar 2009, 23:33

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Good point  ;)
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

It was a good point and ironically it's the same point that the producers and director mad for TDk, saying that because of Batman's war against crime, the streets are indeed cleaner and the city is also brighter. I must say that BR did have some excellent art direction and set design, but I guess I still give Batman the edge as there is something more grand and grittier about it overall.

Several Hammer films have this "artificial" look Batman Returns has, even if some were filmed in real British locations (at least the exteriors of Dracula: Prince of Darkness I think were done in a real castle). I've read some years ago a Burton interview where he explained that he loved this strange atmosphere those films had, this "ageless", "artificial", "dreamy" setting where it isn't very clear what period the events take place (I paraphrase because it's been years I read it, but something along those lines).

I'm one of those that love this "staged" look Batman Returns has, pretty similar to Edward Scissorhands (Bo Welch did both after all). Like their whole world is on a stage. A show. Combined with the operatic and whimsical score, it's almost theatrical  :) Danny Elfman himself says in an interview you almost expect the curtains to open and close between scenes. Someone with less talent than Burton, of course, could easily make this look totally ridiculous.

Fri, 6 Mar 2009, 20:57 #13 Last Edit: Sat, 7 Mar 2009, 01:14 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: silenig on Fri,  6 Mar  2009, 19:30
Someone with less talent than Burton, of course, could easily make this look totally ridiculous.

Joel Schumacher. Nothing personal, but his talent for Batman was just... too flashy. :P

I'm agreeing with the poster of this thread. Many have to remember that BatMan 89 may be the starter of this motto of accuracy as close to panal re-creation means success.

While I can love the Dark Knight, I know that after the realistic characters of BatMan are done with, so is the series. If not, it's DragonBall Evolution and Super Mario Brothers all over again. He'd have to end it, make them too realistic (Bowser in a suit), or destroy the previous films' style. We know the last won't work with many fans.

I think the entire series is a let down from the comic side of me before and after Dark Knight. This is because what others had began to beleive about the earlier films mixed with the fact that alot of BB takes off of the previous films. I mean, it's not in the comic that Ra's Al Ghul did any of this at the ending and put on masks. In otherwords, it just became a remake of an older film. There aren't enough fixes for the small innaccuracys, they only put them in other areas realy.
A smiley's impression of Jack Nicholson    8)

Now as Jack's Joker laughing   :D