Where do you find the Halloween deleted scene on BATMAN 1989 Two-Disc DVD

Started by Jack Napier, Wed, 4 Mar 2009, 04:42

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glad you guys dig the pics..I figured that it was about time i started posting on here a lot more as I'm a RABID 89( and Returns) guy...and I've been lucky enough to have actually had conversations with Nick Dudman( Jack wore a wig guys), Vin Burnam( she was the main sculptor of the 89 suit) as well as Jose Fernandez( the Returns cowl & Catwoman cowl sculptor) and they have given me TONS of great info on the suits and production

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 03:19

As one of the other missing Axis pieces, if anyone ever has a chance to see the original BATMAN teaser (Very rare now, unless you have access to the Playstation Network [see my thread in the General Batman Forum]), there's a shot in Axis where Batman is speading his wings (possibly to Naiper) and lets them down dramatically, a shot which is certainly not in the film, and it's probably part of the alternate Jack confrontation Reevz speaks of. The novel describes the confrontation as Batman comes out of the darkness behind Jack and gets him in a wrestling hold. This may be one of the ways they shot it.

that's actually a shot of the roof fight at the beginning of the film...but the original teaser( which I have on film and have watched over a thousand times) does have some alternate takes like the "is there a six foot bat in Gotham city", I have given  a name to my pain" and "my life is really complex" scenes are all different takes than we see in the original movie.....I would love to see the alternate Joker takes as I know that for every Joker scene there was at least 10 different takes of each one..Tim himself described Jack as someone who will give you the same scene a million different ways( and he did)

Quote from: BatmAngelus on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 18:03
There's also a great shot of Batman in that teaser at the end where Joker's laughter is edited over.  Now I can see where DocLathropBrown's avatar comes from.

that's shot was never used ...I know that when they shot the 89 BBC Documentary "Making of a Hero" there must have been left over footage that was used..and since the trailer was rushed before any real editing could be done they probably used that shot as dramatic way to end the trailer ...just a single shot of Batman....

here are some other similar shots you may not have seen....

Oh, I see it now. my mind assumed it was Axis because they follow it up with Naiper's "Nice outfit!" I guess I hadn't actually looked at the background.

Funny, the suggestive power that editing has on one's mind.

And it's interesting, that linked online version of the teaser has the on-set "I'm Batman," whereas the one of the Playstation Store has the re-dubbed "I'm Batman" that appears in the finished film.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

these are pure gold shawn. will you marry me? will you buy me lunch? i eat light.

Well, it looks like my original thought of wingspan in the trailer was correct. I'm glad they had a better take of that in the final film. Since the subject of reshooting scenes came up earlier with th Batman-Napier confrontation, I know one scene HAD to have been reshot and that is the alleyway fight with the samurai. In fact, didn't the DVD state that Peters atributed by adding more "action" to the scenes. Looks like those two were most likely his.