Criterion Collection BATMAN

Started by drax1, Wed, 18 Mar 2009, 09:23

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Since WB has washed its hands of the Burton films, I got to thinking about alternate outlets for DVD/Bluray releases. I don't know who here is familiar with the Criterion Collection, but it strikes me as a great potential way to see more extra features and a digital restoration.

Criterion publish "important classic and contemporary films" with loads of great extras and great quality transfers. Check it out at

Burton certainly fits the 'auteur' bill, and any kind of retrospective of his work would (should) undoubtedly include Batman or at the very least Batman Returns. It wouldn't surprise me if we saw a release along those lines in a few years.

Billing them as an 'iconic' or 'important' films could also open them up to a new market. And since we're not talking 'Dark Knight' sales figures, a smaller operation like Criterion might be more appropriate for a 'niche' audience.

And hey, if it's good enough for Michael Bay, surely it's good enough for Batman.

Just throwing it out there...


Agreed with your opinion, the only thing is I wouldn't say niche audience. Yes, TDK is the hot property right now in terms of sales but there are still quite a few people looking at the "older" Batman films, especially the first two. When the Special Editions were released in 2005, they sold quite well (especially Burton's) and was ranked as one of the best Special Editions of that year.

I still think WB might do something more with this particular bat-franchise in the future, we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, does Criterion have a queries section where you can actually petition for a film?

Excellent post drax.
If 'Armageddon' ( ::) ) can get a Criterion release then surely a genuine piece of cinematic art like Batman Returns, and to some extent Batman '89 is deserving of one.
I love the Criterion collection, although most of the films I have purchased have been older classics.  However, I'm not sure what the rights issues are involving a film company licencing their films to Criterion.  I know a lot of Disney (specifically Touchstone) films have undergone the Criterion makeover, but I'm not aware of many WB films getting the same treatment.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Should WB not release a decent Blu-Ray within the next two to three years, I say go for it, Criterion. I didn't even know they made the jump to Blu-Rays.