At the end of Returns

Started by Batmoney, Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 22:30

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I've never read the novel but I always thought it was a few days later myself. I think Bruce's reaction points more towards it being that way in the film.

Another thing that leads me to believe that Batman has not been cleared by the end of Batman Returns (if we are going by the novelizations) is that there is reference to Harvey Dent helping to clear Batman's name in the 'Batman Forever' novelization.
Like Batmoney suggests, the way Bruce behaves at the end of Batman Returns also suggests that he has been coping with Selina's disapperance for a few days.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I always thought this scene took place a little later after the big face off in the Lair. As for the singlal, I always thought they put it simply because it looked good as a big final shot, and it mirrored the ending from B A T M A N.

However, I love this "expaned universe" speculation since it's no secret that I absolutely love Batman Returns  :)

I like Returns ending, not so good as B89 or TDK endings, but pretty good.
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

What a ridiculas thread, but in the graphic novel when the bat signal goes up Gordan says to the mayor "Do you think he'll ever forgive us?" and he replies "I hope so" something to that effect!
So this proves that Batman is cleared and they want him back to help Gotham.

Anyway, I have never read the novel, but I assumed those final scenes where a few days or week after the showdown in the penguins lair. Due to how fresh Bruce looks and the cuts have healed.

Tue, 10 Mar 2009, 20:30 #15 Last Edit: Tue, 10 Mar 2009, 20:32 by DocLathropBrown
As far as canonicity goes, novelizations are prettymuch canon, as they come directly from the scripts. They flesh out what's there originally.

Sam Hamm and Warren Skarron, together with the fleshing-out of their script by Craig Shaw Gardner, wrote the greatest Batman story ever told, as far as I'm concerned. With the Knightfall Saga and Steve Engelhart's run in the 70s on 'Tec, afterward, respectively.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Yes the comic and book place it right after the confrontation with Penguin.

I actually prefer it being a few days after but alas.

Also the scene with the commissioner and the mayor was filmed. There is an actual photo floating around somewhere of Gordon from that scene.

I guess I'd rationalise the ending by imagining that the apprehension of The Red Circle Triangle Gang by Batman, and the subsequent interviews that I assume the police conducted, pretty much cleared Batman in the eyes of the law during the night in which Batman rescued the children from TRCTG.
In any case, in view of the police pursuit that occurred the night Batman was framed I can't imagine the entire police force doing such a massive u-turn with regard to Batman's guilt without having received some conclusive evidence that he was not responsible for the Ice Princess' death and the subsequent rampage through Gotham City.
On another note, is there anyway to get access to all the various photos of Batman Returns' deleted scenes?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

i never thought of it much mainly because my focus jumps from when she electrocutes max (well from when the penguin dies cause i think thats sort of funny lol) to the part where he sees her shadow.

hmmmm. maybe it was a few days later. that does make sense. guess its just up for the imagination. :)

it was the best ending to a batman film ever because it did leave you with your imagination running wild creating all sorts of fantasyy endings