Favorite Jack Palance line (Carl Grissom) in the movie

Started by Jack Napier, Tue, 2 Dec 2008, 04:33

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Quote from: batass4880 on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 16:01
Quote from: YouCanCallMeJoker on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 14:07Yeah, you're right. I haven't seen the COMPLETE UNEDITED movie in quite some time. I taped it in August off of TV when it aired on ABC Family, so that's pretty much the only copy of the movie I own right now. On my version it doesn't show the building keep rising to their floor, it just cuts to Jack Palance saying what appears to be "Save this." They completely edited out the b word, so its still in the movie, but that word is silent. So he says "Son of a" and he still says the b word, but its silent. So its like he mouthed it.

Did they edit out the part when the Joker talks to the burned crime boss?

In the UK TV broadcasts that part was edited out.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 23:36
"Remember you are my number one..guy!"

for the longest time i thought jack was saying "you...are my number one.....and i...." and i was always bothered that he didn't finish the line or something - and then bob's like "yes sir" -

weird delivery on the "guy" part that made it sound like "and i"

Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 01:39 #12 Last Edit: Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 02:05 by batass4880
HOLY CRAP, ME TOO!!! Thank god for closed captions!

I also thought at the museum "Well...How about a little you and me?" was "...How about a little human being?" which sounded a bit dirty to me.

Quote from: batass4880 on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 16:01
Quote from: YouCanCallMeJoker on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 14:07Yeah, you're right. I haven't seen the COMPLETE UNEDITED movie in quite some time. I taped it in August off of TV when it aired on ABC Family, so that's pretty much the only copy of the movie I own right now. On my version it doesn't show the building keep rising to their floor, it just cuts to Jack Palance saying what appears to be "Save this." They completely edited out the b word, so its still in the movie, but that word is silent. So he says "Son of a" and he still says the b word, but its silent. So its like he mouthed it.

Did they edit out the part when the Joker talks to the burned crime boss?

Yep. Its shows up to the part where Jack says "Bob, you are my number one guy" and him doing that little goofy face he makes and starts laughing, then it just cuts to the burnt skeleton with Jack laughing in the background. None of the "I'm glad you did, *LAUGHS*" is included
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.

Quote from: batass4880 on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:39
HOLY CRAP, ME TOO!!! Thank god for closed captions!

I also thought at the museum "Well...How about a little you and me?" was "...How about a little human being?" which sounded a bit dirty to me.
Thats funny you say that I always thought the same exact thing no bs, that really is weird.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 03:42 #15 Last Edit: Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 04:29 by batass4880
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 03:32
Quote from: batass4880 on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:39HOLY CRAP, ME TOO!!! Thank god for closed captions!

I also thought at the museum "Well...How about a little you and me?" was "...How about a little human being?" which sounded a bit dirty to me.
Thats funny you say that I always thought the same exact thing no bs, that really is weird.

COOL! I always thought I was alone!

Quote from: YouCanCallMeJoker on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 04:33Mine's

"Save this?"
"Son of a *****!!!"

I used to think he said it like this:

          "Say this--SON OF A *****! Makes a connection with us..."

Rather than:

         "Say this son of a ***** makes a connection with us..."

His delivery of lines were awesome!

I also loved the look on Grissom's face and reaction when he saw the "new" Jack!

Youe definitly not the only one who was confused for years about those lines!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: raleagh on Tue,  2 Dec  2008, 12:29
"Your life won't be worth spit!"

Yeah, you can feel the mixture of anger and desperation in that line.

Speaking of Jack Palace, anyone else find Grissom's posture weird, just as he's setting up Jack?

The shot has Jack Napier sitting in the foreground while Grissom has one hand on his table while he slightly twists his ankle for a moment before resting his leg into position.

It's quite weird, but if you interpret it, it looks as if Grissom is readying to rat out on Jack.