is the joker within burtons film a metaphor for Burton from his disney days?

Started by jimbojetset, Sun, 12 Oct 2008, 20:37

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What if the Jokers whole Misunderstrood artist is actually about Burtons days as an artist for disney,he has been quotedsaying theythrew out his drawings for the fox and hound because they looked like road kill. what do you think
I'm Better than all y'all cos you suck!

Not one bit to be honest, I dont see it at all.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

well beleive me mate its there, and also vanity and beauty is littered in tim burons films, batman is just a big budget Vincent or Frankenweenie
I'm Better than all y'all cos you suck!

there are themes that repeat themselves in all work by "autuers"

so they are to be expected.  I think the elements of vanity and beauty make up his more general motivations - like isolation and acceptance.

i do understand the idea that auteurs imprint their style and themes upon a film its nothing new to me, but the similarities between burtons other work is there. Constantly along with Batman Returns this constant theme of vanity throughout his work, Edward Scissorhands shows a popular cheerleader falling for the unfinished Frankenstein character. even in his earliest work such as vincent right through to Sweeny todd
I'm Better than all y'all cos you suck!

Personally i think he comments more on how unconventional creatures are seen and accepted in a world consumed with vanity.