BATMAN - The Director's Cut (A Fan's 20th Anniversary Proposal)

Started by DallyWhitty, Wed, 27 Aug 2008, 19:23

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Part of the 80s vibe that the film has (a vibe which makes it a lot better than 100s of modern fantasy/horror digital bores)

talking about vibes , i must agree with shrek's opinion , things said above are the right words , i would remove cgi even from modern movies , they look like video games to me , i would recognize them a mile away from the screen , they are done because are faster and cheaper to  be produced , i  agree seeing them only on console games and would even rather  to see less on them there too and have more bitmap games or digitalized ones like the old mortal kombact or batman forever old  games

i heard that from "batman returns" have been cut lot of sceens , that could be inserted back , the could even resample the movie resolution in the b-ray edition if possible , thats all
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask