
Started by thecolorsblend, Fri, 26 Dec 2008, 16:19

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On IMDB I've seen a few people say something to the effect of "Why does Penguin drive around in a big duck? Where did that come from?"

They obviously missed the earlier sequence where you can clearly see it's from one of the rides at Arctic World. 

Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Sat, 27 Dec  2008, 08:31hijack it and take more action photos as you cruise down the street
If I did that, I'd have to put on a fat suit and wear a bib or something and I'm not sure how many people would really get it.  :)

Quotehey colors are you a fellow pearl jam freak too?
Not as much as I used to be.  But I've kept using this name though.  I think they owe me that much.

QuoteI wonder what the thing is doing randomly sitting there. Very odd indeed.
Hey, I dunno.  Allz I know is what I saw.

this duck is in houston now? - who does it belong to? - the cattle guard place?

Dunno how true this is, but supposedly the duck was part of a Batman ride at Six Flags- Astroworld here in town.  When Astroworld closed down, they had to do something with all the leftovers and supposedly the owner of that steak house bought it... for what purpose, I dunno.  I don't even know how true that is but it does have a ring of logic to it.

I glanced inside the thing and the inside is all smashed but you can sorta see how that interior might once have held a bench seat of some description.

Enjoy the additional pics.

commandeer it already and begin your takeover of the sewers of houston

Colors is that you in front of the Ducky? Spiffy looking cat my friend, lol those pics are frickin awesome!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

so you never rode the ride when astroworld was open? - there has to be info or pics somewhere - a ride based on batman returns? -

six flags in nj has or had one based on the 1st film and then one called batman the chiller based on some piece of crap from 1997

now they have one based on dark knight - anyone been on this? - i think they use ledger's voice and image - haven't made it there yet

Yep, that hunka hunka burnin' love standing by the duck up there is me.

As for the Batman ride at Astroworld, if memory serves it was called Batman- The Escape.  It opened at least a year before BF was released so audiences clearest recognition of Batman would've been the Burton films.  It would've made sense to include as many Burton elements as possible.  I rode that rollercoaster a couple of times back in the old junior high days and I remember seeing a Burton Batmobile but I can't recall ever seeing the duck.  That being said, I can't recall *not* seeing it either.  I mean, c'mon, that was 15 years ago, y'all.  :)

I went opening day in NJ for the new TDk related ride, I was so excited for it, and the intro to the ride and everything is really cool, even the set pieces are great, but the ride itself is kinda lame, like those mousetrap rides, thats pretty much what it was!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.