Vicki Already Knew.....Alfred Didn't Just Let Her In The Batcave.

Started by THE BAT-MAN, Tue, 24 Jun 2014, 15:58

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This is a subject that I have wanted to discuss for sometime.  Practically everyone believes that Alfred just lets Vicki in the Batcave.  Well today, I'm here to tell you that he didn't.  When watching a film like this you have to understand that it takes multiple viewings to catch everything.  I've seen Batman thousands of times and I'm still discovering new things.  Which is why to me the film never gets old, instead it ages like a very fine wine.  Tim Burton has a artisitc way of visually showing his audience something rather than just telling them (a la Nolan).   Leaving the audience at times with ambiguity. 

In the movie Bruce Wayne leaves Vicki with enough clues for her to discover his alter ego.

Clue 1.  Bruce leaving abruptly when Alfred tells him Commissioner Gordon was compelled to leave, very unexpectedly.  Also, suggesting that Bruce take an alternative exit.

Clue 2.  Dinner Room scene.  Bruce and Vicki exchange stories about there family and past.  Vicki expresses that Bruce's house and all of his stuff doesn't seem like him at all.  Bruce explains that some of it is very much him and some of it isn't.

Clue 3.  When Vicki spends the night at Wayne Manor she notices Bruce is hanging upside down.

Clue 4.  After Alfred tells Vicki that He and Bruce are going to be staying for quite awhile she gets suspicious and  decides to investigate further starting with Bruce's File.  Which she discovers "Theres nothing in these files no photos no histories no nothing.  Who is this guy?"

Clue 5.  Vicki tails Bruce from Wayne Manor to downtown Gotham in an alley.  Taking photos of Bruce and noticing that two roses were carefully placed on the ground.

Clue 6.  When Bruce encounters Joker at City Hall.  Bruce approaches Joker with no fear as if though he is in a trance.

Clue 7.  Reviewing the Photos she had taken earlier.  She discovers that the alley is on Pearl and Philips street.  She then calls Knox to find out whats so special there.

Clue 8.  Vicki Calls Bruce to let him know that she will be 10 minutes late at meeting him at the museum.  She arrives sometime later and waits patiently expecting him to show up.  Instead Joker shows up as well as BATMAN.

Clue 9.  Aftermath of Batman's Rescue.  Vicki gets to spend some one on one time with Batman trying very hard to get a fix on both his face and his voice.  Also being very aware of the technology in the cave.

Clue 10.  Bruce trying to reveal his secret identity to Vicki in her apartment.  He is then interrupted by the Joker and his goons.  Joker later shoots Bruce and leaves.  Vicki believing that Bruce is dead is shocked to discover that he survived using her silver tray as protection against Joker's bullet and is now vanished.

Clue 11.  After telling Knox what happened in her apartment.  Knox explains that he found out about her street corner and he thinks her friend Wayne is really screwed up.  She reads the newspaper clippings and discovers that Bruce's parents were murdered in that alley.  Knox explains that bruce witnessed the murder right in front of him.  Vicki also notices that the look on Bruces face as a child was the same look he had in front of City Hall.  Knox later asks Vicki,  What do you suppose something like this does to a kid?  In that moment all the pieces of the puzzle come together.  Vicki knows the truth and decides later to go to Wayne Manor to confront Bruce.

When Bruce sees Alfred arrive with Vicki in the cave.  We are given no explanation.  However, it's obvious that Vicki and Alfred shared an off camera moment.  I believe Vicki went to Wayne Manor and demanded to see Bruce.  Alfred tries to make up some excuse for Bruce's absence.  However, Vicki explains to Alfred that she knows the truth and that she needs to see him.  Vicki's determination forces Alfred to let her in the cave.  Even the look Alfred gives Bruce suggests that his hands were tied and he was forced.  I also believe that Alfred never told Bruce the truth that it was Vicki who figured out his secret identity (via BATMAN RETURNS) out of respect for Bruce's Ego.  See, if Bruce knew that Vicki was able to figure it out on her own than that would mean other people could figure it out sooner or later.  Hence,  his secret identity would be in jeopardy.  So Alfred decides to take full responsibility in order to protect Bruce.

I like this theory. I think it's very likely that Vicki already knew.

I always thought the moment where Knox says his line and Vicki walks away is when she figured it out.  Alfred didn't let her in on Bruce's secret, she knew already and, knowing the effect she had on Bruce, he let her in.

In the original Sam Hamm draft, Knox figured out Bruce was Batman before Vicki did and came to Wayne Manor, asking for Bruce.  Alfred claimed over the intercom that he was out and Knox said, "Then let me speak to Batman."  Silence.  Knox turned away...but the Wayne Manor gates opened for him.  Cut to scene inside between Knox and Bruce about his secret.

While it wouldn't have fit the flow of the movie to show it, I picture Vicki's arrival at the Manor playing out the same way.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

that could have been an interesting exchange between bruce and knox lol

i like this theory.

I knew Vicki figured it out even was I was five years old, so I know where you're coming from. The whole Alexander Knox figuring out Batman's true identity was the only aspect of the script that Bob Kane objected to, so they had it rewritten accordingly.

Hello Kamden.  I'm glad to see you're back.  I'm sorry to be an irritant but can I ask how your Batman radio project is going and whether you'd accept my help?  :)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.