chris walken on guns

Started by Catwoman, Fri, 13 Dec 2013, 19:51

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Fri, 13 Dec 2013, 19:51 Last Edit: Fri, 13 Dec 2013, 19:54 by Catwoman
two quotes from his imdb profile:

I don't even like holding them. Whenever I hold a gun, I want to get it out of my hand as quick as possible.

I would make a very bad killer in real life because I don't think I could even pick up a gun, much less actually shoot one. Guns make me very nervous. They're dangerous. I'm more of a pacifist than anyone could imagine.

my question is has anybody ever seen any quote from him specifically about the finale of batman returns? i obviously love that scene and i've never seen anybody say anything about how it was filmed or anything but these quotes sort of seem like they apply. i mean i know it is far from his only role with a gun but idk how many times he's actually shot a woman on screen soooo maybe it is different.

by the way i read all of his quotes and holy sh*t what a funny man he is! i thought he was like this evil dude because he is so convincingly evil on screen lol

Christopher's Walken on sunshine.

Roger Moore hates guns and often blinked when firing the prop ones. But he got past it. Acting is acting.

Christopher Walken coughnataliewoodcough  lol


I applaud Michelle for allowing them to shoot her at such close range. I wouldn't dare do it. It must have been deafening as well. Burton couldn't even believe that they got away with it.

Quote from: lifesabitch on Mon, 23 Dec  2013, 07:22
Christopher Walken coughnataliewoodcough  lol


I applaud Michelle for allowing them to shoot her at such close range. I wouldn't dare do it. It must have been deafening as well. Burton couldn't even believe that they got away with it.

do you have a link to a story or anything where tim said that? not doubting you or anything lol i just want to read it myself since like i said. fave scene. :)

and yes it is uber loud. i know from reenacting it with pop guns lol. but maybe they used a gun that only did the spark and smoke effect and added the sound in post production to protect michelle and chris's ears? and mikey for that matter. danny was under water so he should be fine :P