First set of Character Posters...ever?

Started by Furstmobile, Sun, 1 Dec 2013, 17:04

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Was this the first movie to have a set of character posters? Looking through the old Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Superman posters none of them had a set of posters dedicated to individual characters.

And if it is, how come nobody talks about it? That's kind of a big deal. Every big budget genre movie today is always marketed this way. Even stupid comedies like the Anchorman sequel do it.

did hook? i think it was before returns but idk if it had posters.

Nope, from I can see they just did the teaser and then the main poster with a group of characters on it.

I keep thinking there must be a movie like that sometime in the late 80's and early 90's that did it before Returns but I can't find anything.

My next question is, what movie after Forever and & Robin first did a set of character posters? The Raimi Spider-Mans had villain posters. I don't think X-Men started doing it till X3. When did Bond and Potter start doing it?

i think i remember x-men posters for the first movie but i am probly wrong lol.

i mean i THINK there was a mystique poster for instance

Oh wow you're right, I don't remember seeing those at all when it came out, and I was pretty excited about it! And I honestly don't think I remember ever seeing them online until googling x-men 2000 posters just now.

Rogue got a long style poster but it doesn't look like she got a standard style one, odd. So it really wasn't till X-Men when a big movie outside Batman was marketed this way again? We need to set up a character poster chronology chart showing the trend grow over the years!

I'll bet somewhere in the annals of film history there was movie that was released with a series of character posters, probably some random heist movie in the 60's or something.

Quote from: Furstmobile on Tue,  3 Dec  2013, 03:55
Oh wow you're right, I don't remember seeing those at all when it came out, and I was pretty excited about it! And I honestly don't think I remember ever seeing them online until googling x-men 2000 posters just now.

Rogue got a long style poster but it doesn't look like she got a standard style one, odd. So it really wasn't till X-Men when a big movie outside Batman was marketed this way again? We need to set up a character poster chronology chart showing the trend grow over the years!

I'll bet somewhere in the annals of film history there was movie that was released with a series of character posters, probably some random heist movie in the 60's or something.

maybe one of the old ensemble cast movies? like maybe the old oceans 11 with the rat pack?

Right again Catwoman, and oddly pretty much exactly like the long banner style X-Men ones that are little slices of art taken from one the main posters for the movie. However, X-Men also got a separate Batman Returns style character set that matches the dimensions of the main poster. Some of them even had unique art not seen on the main group posters like Wolverine.

Show me a set of character posters that are the same size as the main poster for the movie!

Here's one I'm ashamed of not immediately thinking of:

Obviously a huge influence on this movie's marketing with The Bat, The Cat and the Penguin thing. Making a set of character posters for movies like Good, Bad & Ugly and Ocean's 11 seems like a no brainier but it doesn't seem like they were widely used. And any poster aside the main apparently had to be absurdly tall.


An influence from a Post-Burton film? Say it ain't so! No release date or movie logo though.

Now I know why everyone else was dead silent! You guys were like, "let him have one last dream!" Oh well, the dream was great while it lasted. The popularity of Returns & Forever's posters obviously trigged the wide use later though. I don't think anyone was trying to steal the 'Mind if I call you Dick?' posters back in 1990.

i guess i am just a dream werecker lol