what r ur personal wants from the next BATMAN REBOOT series??

Started by Batman999, Sat, 3 Nov 2012, 10:38

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All Black rubber suit
5 (55.6%)
Black and grey suit
4 (44.4%)
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0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 10 Dec  2012, 13:04
The golden age was truly B89/BR and BTAS, which was directly influenced by the movies. Batman was great well before Nolan.

My thoughts too.

Nolan was a good director for Batman for these times just as Burton was for his. Both Batman and The Dark Knight are excellent stand alone films. But Batman (1989) has influenced my world in so many ways it would be impossible for me to try to map it all out. I can still remember being a young kid, reinacting the batwing seige on the parade in my hallway which I had converted into a street. My hallway walls were covered in posterboard that I'd painted buildings onto and my handheld camera followed my toy batwing as it dove down through the street with Danny Elfman's classic blasting in the background. That's the power of that movie. Keaton is still the best Batman, by far. It's just a shame he didn't have fight sequences to show him as an all around bad ass.

As for the next installment, my thoughts:

Title: The Caped Crusader or Knightfall

Plots: For TCC, I would prefer to see a story along the lines of A Death in the Family. Have the film start off with Batman and Robin fighting crime and have the plot twist involving Robin's origin, revealing he isn't the first Robin. After Jason Todd is murdered, Bruce Wayne decides he can't be Batman anymore. Only when the Joker surfaces and Bruce figures out he was responsible for the murder does he return as Batman. You could even have Superman make a cameo of some kind. This way you give credit to the original DITF storyline and you finally unite the two on screen for the potential for a spinoff (if you choose to go there).
  For Knightfall, you could continue the storyline from Nolan's TDKR. Instead of Azrael, make the new Batman Robin Blake and have his thirst for vengeance become a detractor to what Bruce Wayne's legacy was. When Bruce comes out of exile and confronts Blake, he discovers the new Batman extremely powerful and thirsty for power. A showdown would happen and Bruce would win, becoming Batman once again. You could even throw Bane in the mix, saying he wasn't killed by the batpod blast. (His chest armor)

*Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns should be made at some point but only if producers wish to tell the end of Bruce Wayne's story. This couldn't happen now for obvious reasons. You would have to reboot the franchise and have several new stories before having another coda involving that idea.

Duration: I'd like to see 3-5 made but not within the next 5-10 years. 2020 sounds good to me.

Robin: I would keep his participation to a minimum. I agree the character is a distraction on screen. Even if you feature him in a movie as already being established, you don't need to have him with Batman on every roof top or in the middle of every battle. Make the character more like Nightwing off the bat. You could even have Dick Grayson already starting to distance himself from Batman while he's still Robin, leading to the character transformation into Nightwing.

Joker: I wouldn't bring him into the full mix until you give the audience a nice taste first. Nolan did a good job with that at the end of BB because by then, everyone's expectations for the film had been met. Hinting at the Joker as Batman's next case was just about the juciest hook he could have thrown at the audience. I would keep him minimal for the first few films until it's the right moment and have him strike. The key for me with the character has to be the exploration into how his obsession with Batman means he can never actually kill Batman because it would destroy his only grip of any meaning to his own existence. That's the Joker story EVERYONE wants to be told.

Gotham City: Dark, gloomy. Crimson sun. Thunder and lightning with rain. Light snow with angelic cathedrals. Essentially, the very best of Burton with a touch of Blade Runner.

Batmobile: Keaton batmobile. Bring it back in a cheeky way that bridges the sappy with the savvy.

1st Villians: I'd go with the Riddler. He needs a good, solid story. I actually like Jim Carrey's performance but it doesn't do anything for the character in the long run.

Director: Someone who is hungry and has a good sense of the content. A flare for art direction and good dialogue is a must.

*Michael Madsen would make a great Detective Bullock. I would bring back Gary Oldman as Gordon, a role he was surprisingly born to play. And plus, he will age with the character so it works. And I could...could see Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. Ledger proved anythings possible.
"The darkness in your eyes warms my cold heart." - J

*shouldn't this be moved to the Batman 2016 reboot forum now?????

I was thinking something like this. next reboot = 5 movies. have to get a someone around the age of 30 for this reason. the first 2 are generic titles. from here on in i'd say the 3rd one can be like an arkham city style film. the whole film is basically a hold-up at arkham- so we have bruce waynes cameos in the form of flashbacks i guess??
film 4 can be 'No mans land' or something along those lines. by film 5 gotham has been re-annexed to the United States once again. the last one can be something like THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS where a 50 year old batman comes out of retirement for one last fling. lets have some new villians in it- definitely hugo strange, killer croc, black mask, the black glove etc. the joker can come in in film 3 but don't kill him off- in film 4 he can have a hannibal lecter type role in arkham where batman interrogates him for advice. then he comes back in film 5 and obviously now can be killed off.
good idea?

5) REVENGE OF THE BATMAN??? (i dunno- just thought it was a cool sounding title)

Quote from: Batman999 on Sat, 23 Mar  2013, 08:08
film 4 can be 'No mans land' or something along those lines. by film 5 gotham has been re-annexed to the United States once again. the last one can be something like THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS where a 50 year old batman comes out of retirement for one last fling.
After TDKR I'm not really chomping at the bit to see these plotlines retreated, differences and better executions aside.

true but there was sooo much more they didn't cover. it briefly touched on it but there was alot more they cud have done.

- gotham being officially segregated from the U.S
- the pertual gang warfare
- the different parts of gotham being divided by different villans and the polices war to win them back.

seriously theres soo much they cud tap into it wud be awesome. cud make a real epic film out of it IMO

Gotta come down with TDK on this one. I'd rather see other stories be adapted than retreading old ones. Bruce Wayne Murderer/Fugitive, War Games/Crimes, Contagion/Legacy, Mad Monk, Hugo Strange/Monster Men (or Prey/Terror, even), on and on and on, these could all be candidates for movie stories.

TDKR only skimmed the surface of no-mans land.

theres like 90% of ideas/elements in it which r untouched.