Batman 1989 Score Vs. Batman Returns Score

Started by BatmanFanatic93, Mon, 11 Mar 2013, 19:37

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I'm not sure if anyone asked this but anyways which batman score is the best?Batman Or Batman Returns?Which one clearly captures batman?
You ether die a trilogy or live long enough to see yourself become batman & robin

They're pretty similar, but I prefer BR score more.

Both are utterly exceptional pieces. Their so much more exciting and entertaining to listen to than the Hans Zimmer albums. I have to say though the first movie's score wins over the sequel for one very good reason: it gave the world the famous Batman title march! It also sounds so much more exciting in the first movie with it's militaristic-like base line reminding me of the exciting marine music composed by James Horner for "Aliens". Then you have "Attack of the Batwing". A track that is certainly the most thrilling of all. Unless you count "Descent into mystery". Composer's try so much today to make superhero music "epic" and between Elfman and John William's "Superman" they all fail miserably in comparison. Despite lacking significant music for the Joker "Waltz to the death" is all the music he needed and almost sounds good enough for an opera piece. It's also quirky sounding enough to be hilarious and puts the screechy pyscho-piece music of Zimmer's Joker to utter shame.

I've always found the second one harder to listen to given it's depressing tone. Even as a kid I found the Penguin's death scene music incredibly sad. Play that at a real funeral and I'm sure everyone would spend less time drinking and more time blubbing and focussing on the momentous occasion. The second score captures the tragedy of Batman's world better. I think it's pretty amazing there are these three giant pieces of music for all three characters in one film that even feeds into the theme song "Face to Face". If you listen to the "Edward Scissorhands" music it's practically a sneak preview of the second Batman's score. Almost note for note. Not sure if that's a bad thing but it's cool to consider.

Depends on what you're looking for, I suppose. B89 has one epic, unforgettable track after another. There are composers with twice Elfman's experience who wouldn't have been able to accomplish half of what he did.

But as far as atmosphere... I dunno, I tend to go back to the BR score each time. Birth of a Penguin/Main Title, Penguin Spies, Kitty Party/Selina Transforms, The Cemetery (one of the best on the whole freaking CD as far as I'm concerned), Cat Chase, Umbrella Source/The Children's Hour/War, Final Confrontation/Finale and A Shadow of Doubt/End Credits all come to mind. There are probably others I'm forgetting.

The B89 score is unforgettable. The BR score in indispensable. Both belong in any Batman fan or film score lover's collection if you ask me.

Batman Returns is my favourite Batman sound bar none.

Like the whole thing but offhand these cues are my highlights.

Birth of a Penguin/ Main Title
Intro/The Zoo/The Lair
Kitty Party/Selina Transforms
The List Begins
The Cemetery
Sore Spots/Batman's Closet
The Plot Unfolds
Roof Top Encounters
Batman's Wild Ride
Fall From Grace
Umbrella Source/The Children's Hour/War
Final Confrontation/Finale
A Shadow of Doubt/End Credits

It's greatly offensive to me that Elfman was not at least even nominated for an Academy Award for either his scores. Same with John Williams and his Superman work. "Selina Transforms" alone should have garnered him a single nomination. That's storytelling at it's musical best.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Tue, 12 Mar  2013, 23:08
"Selina Transforms" alone should have garnered him a single nomination. That's storytelling at it's musical best.
Full agreement. It's a dynamite track. Continuous flow for 5 and a half minutes of sleek horror-esque cool.

One can think of several score-related crimes commited by the Oscars. Who cares really. Both are great memorable scores that don't need an oscar for "validation". Pity for Elfman though, his work underrated.

Comparing the two as albums, I think B'89 has the edge.