Retrospective by Olly Harper

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 26 Feb 2013, 20:54

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Olly has done some great retrospective videos on classic and cult movies,

His 50th, released today, is Batman 89

Enjoyed that and he seemed to have a number of criticisms, but I love when people can take this movie for what it is and critique it from an appropriate point of view considering the context of the film.

Can't speak for anyone else but I don't mind fair and objective criticism. Unnecessary bashing... well, it's unnecessary bashing.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 27 Mar  2013, 10:10
Can't speak for anyone else but I don't mind fair and objective criticism. Unnecessary bashing... well, it's unnecessary bashing.
I echo this statement. You've got to be educated to make a good point. So when that happens, I'm cool.