Spider-Man repeats Batman's "You missed!" trick

Started by Bobthegoon89, Tue, 22 Jan 2013, 23:46

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Just read an Amazing Spider-Man issue from about 1993 (back when Mark Bagley drew an incredible Spider-Man and before Marvel killed off their own flagship franchise by stupidly killing Peter Parker off to replace him with...*gasp*...f***ing Dr Octopus!). They claim it's "dra...ma" anyway...?

In the story Spidey battles a futuristic team of mercenaries called The Jury who are after the blood of Eddie Brock/Venom for his crimes. During a big battle sequence Spidey irritates his enemies with his trademark humour by suggesting they rent out some movies on VHS for fighting tips. He fires a webline into a wall behind a Jury thug and yanks the wall away to smash into him from behind. All the while triumphantly yelling: "BATMAN RETURNS!" lol

Clearly him and MJ have been renting "The Bat, the Cat and the Penguin" at some point previously. 

Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 20:25 #1 Last Edit: Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 20:30 by SilentEnigma
Cool reference!

In Spider-Man and Batman (1995) drawn by Mark Bagley, Spider-Man treats Batman with awe, he says something like "he's a Legend". Well, judging by this reference (Amazing # 385, 1994/01) he probably watched Burton's films!

(On a side-note, I loved how Bagley drew Batman and the Joker. Batman in particular, mean looking, long ears on the cowl, and with his comic blue/grey hues on his outfit very dark, appearing to be almost black, exactly the way some fans like it).

Might I suggest? Batman Returns!

XD That's great. Great homage. The Burton films really influenced superhero movies. Definitely paved the way.

I hope GothamAlleys sees this, so he can add it to his blog of references.

I thought everybody had been aware of this. I've known about it since reading this Spidey comic as a kid. Glad I brought it up on here!

I guess this implies in the Marvel universe Batman at least is a fictional movie star. Which makes it hard for me to swallow all those Marvel and DC crossovers that came later.