Introducing the Bat

Started by Slash Man, Sun, 27 Jan 2013, 22:41

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I don't care what people say... Bale's delivery of "I'm Batman" was badass.

Not better than Keats', but still awesome. Truthfully, I don't have a problem with Bale's voice but rarely. It's everything else wrong that I have trouble with...
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I don't have a problem with the delivery of that line either. It's just the "nice coat" line afterwards which kills the atmosphere.

"You stick with the brooding, I'll handle the wisecracks" Catwoman says to Batman. Humour was never a strength of Nolan's movies, and many lines or scenes in these films that are supposed to be funny ("nice coat", "let's not do it again", the kids pretending they hold guns and then the cars explode etc.) feel a little awkward and/or out of place.

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Tue, 29 Jan  2013, 14:29
"You stick with the brooding, I'll handle the wisecracks" Catwoman says to Batman. Humour was never a strength of Nolan's movies, and many lines or scenes in these films that are supposed to be funny ("nice coat", "let's not do it again", the kids pretending they hold guns and then the cars explode etc.) feel a little awkward and/or out of place.

My issue with the humour is the Batmobile chase in Batman Begins in which police officers constantly react in childlike astonishment at the sight of the Batmobile. It's a weak point because it ends up overdone.

Nolan can do humour but in a different way to me. I think the scene Wayne acts drunk and rids himself of his party guests ("...who smile through your teeth at me") is both hilarious and at the same time filled with Nolan's trademark dramatic tension, because I think he really does mean what he's saying even though he's acting to get them out and away from danger. That scene is as Ra's says "amusing" to me because I can personally relate to the idea of people "acting" for Bruce's benefit and being unaware he knows what bloodsuckers they really are. I defy anyone not to at least raise a smile at the sight of The Joker in nurse's skirt swanning his way out of the path of an exploding hospital.

However Burton's style of humour it has to be said is light years better. I love Penguin's skepticism of Catwoman as "some cat broad getting back at her daddy...". Plus his faked election speech has some memorable funny lines: "I played this stinking city, like a harp from hell heh heh heh" lol