Burton references in Animated series

Started by shadowbat69, Sun, 11 Nov 2007, 17:35

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Oh, and in Joker's Millions, the imposter Joker wipes his forehead, taking away the make-up. Pretty much the opposite of Joker in Batman, when his flesh-toned make-up is wiped off in the same fashion.

I love how the show uses unique surrealism plus elments of both the comics and the Burton movies on the first 3 seasons yet still on TNBA Catwoman's costume and design looks like Burton's design.

Quote from: Slash Man on Sun,  3 Jul  2011, 02:49
The episode 'The Mechanic' is almost one big reference to Batman Returns. Batman is chasing the Penguin and gets his car smashed up, Penguin finds Batman's repairman, and forces him to rig it. The references? Well, Penguin can now control the Batmobile with a remote control. The Penguin's duck also appears, but only as a leftover attraction from an amusement park... pretty much what his original duck vehicle was.

The duck boat also pops up in "Birds of a Feather". And the Penguin's hideout in "The Mechanic" is almost exactly like the Artic World Pavillion seen in the movie.

I think the most interesting reference for me is the fact that the Joker is actually still named Jack Napier. Severely times in fact. They didn't exactly draw as much from the first Batman so much as Returns (at least what I could see). In Mask of the Phantasm we even see the Joker in his gangster days complete with black styled Jack Napier suit.

Did the animated series ever show the Joker's actual origin? Because I own the "Mad Love" comic and there is a brief panel showing the Joker falling into a chemical vat, almost an animated version of the scene from the movie. Was curious to know if they show ever recreated it.

I don't think so, but I'm pretty sure TNBA saw another flashback of the Jack Napier character. It's mentioned on and off, especially during the Creeper episode.
Quote from: HarryCanyon on Sat, 26 Jan  2013, 05:28

I love how the show uses unique surrealism plus elments of both the comics and the Burton movies on the first 3 seasons yet still on TNBA Catwoman's costume and design looks like Burton's design.
There's a funny story behind that. The Batman Returns Penguin design was forced upon them by the studio, and they had to discard their original character design for the Penguin (which is nearly identical to his appearance in TNBA). At the same time, Catwoman's initial design was also similar to her TNBA design, and even closer to the Returns version. For some reason, they changed that to her gray costume. I wish I knew the website that had these pictures, though.

He also forced to give Selina Kyle blonde hair to look like Michelle Pfeifer but didn't want to, so we got it then in Gotham Adventures it was revealed that she stopped dying her hair blonde and go back to brunette.