'92 Nostalgia... Your Memories of the Hype and Personal Experiences

Started by Rebel, Sat, 9 Oct 2010, 02:30

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Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 16 Jan  2013, 00:54
I think part of the negative reception of BR is (A) the rise of activist parenting common in the 90's (and God knows even more now), (B) the still widespread perception at the time of Batman as Adam West and (C) honestly, exaggeration. People seem to think there were riots in the streets or something over the movie but I don't remember it shaking out quite that way. There may have been a few uptight soccer moms who were annoyed at having to give Junior extra Ritalin after he got out of the movie but I haven't seen anything to convince me that there was some far-reaching controversy over the movie. My best guess is that media people wanted entertainment news to balance out the election coverage at the time. That's all I can figure.

I think another key reason is Batman is a character often believed to be something kids can always enjoy. It was kids after all that made the character a hit in comics back in 1939. So the adult Batman Returns may have been something of a shock for parents. It was the time when portraying the character for an older audience was coming around and the non comic reading parents more familar with the fun loving Batman were not aware of the changes.

Who else ate the cereal and had the merchandise to this movie too including the cards and played the video games?