Who Was The Photographer Used For The BR Posters?

Started by lifesabitch, Tue, 20 Nov 2012, 12:31

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I've been trying to find out who did the photography. I love the style and the striking look. Anyone know?

Tue, 20 Nov 2012, 18:21 #2 Last Edit: Tue, 20 Nov 2012, 18:26 by lifesabitch
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Tue, 20 Nov  2012, 12:52
Jack Pedota

Damn, that was fast!!! Thank you x 1000000!

Were they sporting white makeup for the photos, or were they painted in post? Any idea? I still love these shots.  8)

Nevermind, I found the previous thread.

"twisted tungsten" technique.

Is this really a photo technique? All I can find is wire on Google, no examples of photos using it.

I love this photographer's story. So cool.

I don't know much about photography but yes it is a technique with different film, infrared perhaps though someone can correct me!

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Tue, 20 Nov  2012, 19:43
I don't know much about photography but yes it is a technique with different film, infrared perhaps though someone can correct me!
This is just a guess, but - tungsten film is balanced for tungsten lights, which lean towards the orange in the spectrum. Daylight, which leans blue, and any blue or blue gelled light will be exceptionally blue on tungsten film. Maybe that has something to do with the technique, but I've never heard of it before and can't find anything other than the wire either.

Any ETA when the galler will be back up, BTW?

Thanks for the info!

Re:gallery - should be soon...I keep changing the way I want things to work lol