Batman Returns COMPLETE Mcdonalds Promo Videos

Started by Kyle Grey, Tue, 29 Jun 2010, 20:15

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SUCCESS!!! After 18 years, someone finally posted got smart and posted all the Mcdonalds Promos from Batman Returns on youtube! I'm soooo excited! There are 8 total. Some are slightly alternate/ editi versions of other commercials, but still fun. Enjoy!!!:

Happy Meal:

Promo 1:

Promo 2:
Promo 3:

Collector Cups:
Promo 4:

Promo 5:

Promo 6:
Promo 7:

Collctor Pens (Non USA):
Promo 8:
"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

Ahh, great stuff, gonna watch them all.  :)

Neat stuff. I particularly like the shots that weren't in the movie. Although that Catwoman is most likely a stunt double.