Started by Gotham Knight, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, 05:37

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Its almost impossible to debate ones opinion without it turning personal. The key is to realize that your opinions are your and your alone, even if someone agrees with some points, they may not see it exactly the same way.

This is probably the biggest point we try to make here on the forum. Once a debate starts to turn personal I think it should be understood that you agree to disagree.

If any of our members has a strong disagreement with another personal review of one of the films or spects of the character, I invite you to do your own review. Then, without unneccasry conflict we can see how each of our members view the different films and or subjects.

I apologize if my post seemed to get personal. It was never inteded to be.

Just raised a couple of points I wanted to debate. That's all.  :)

And as part othe forum's motto, I guess we'll hit the agree to disagree buttom.

If I'm able to, perhaps I shall start my own thread as my personal review, or something, as S69 suggested.

Quote from: AV on Fri, 13 Jun  2008, 16:02
I apologize if my post seemed to get personal. It was never inteded to be.

Just raised a couple of points I wanted to debate. That's all.  :)

And as part othe forum's motto, I guess we'll hit the agree to disagree buttom.

If I'm able to, perhaps I shall start my own thread as my personal review, or something, as S69 suggested.

yep, feel free

Hi guys.  I'm new here.  Love the site.

Gotham Knight, I feel the same way about Begins.  I've really gone back and forth on it as well.

I agree entirely about Bale.  I think he is probably one of the best young actors out there today, but I'm just not a fan of his "animalistic" approach in the suit.  I find unintentional comedy in some of his Batman scenes, mainly the interrogation one with Flass.

You bring up an interesting point about the film's interpretation about Batman.  It reminds me a bit of a great quote from Dick Giordano:
?The Batman does what he does for himself, for his needs.  That society gains from his actions is incidental, an added value?but not the primary reason for his activities.?

While the film still has his parents' murders as part of his motivation, there does seem to be a strong emphasis on Batman as someone destined to help/save other people.  There's the idea of Batman being Bruce's contribution to his family's legacy of helping Gotham citizens, much like how Thomas Wayne helped them in the Depression (with a huge emphasis on fathers and father figures that is reminiscent of Donner's 1978 Superman). 
There's the major change in the origin in which Bruce is robbed of killing Joe Chill and is shown, by Rachel, who his real enemy is.  That he should be "one of the good people" to stand up against the corruption.
There's Bruce himself saying that Batman enables him to "help other my father did."
There's high society people praising Batman for "doing something the police have never done" and Batman should have a medal (though, to be fair, there are others, like Commissioner Loeb and William Earle, who say he's a maniac who should be locked up).
As you said, it's not "wrong."  But I do think it makes the character seem less unique and gives him the ideology of a typical superhero.

That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Wow your reviews are just awesome i have yet to find a grade that you have given that i don't agree with. Any chance of a Batman89 or Forever review i've only been here for a little while so i might have missed some.

Batman Begins feels like 2 separate movies. The first movie ends with the police finding Falconey strapped to the light. The second movie deals with a cheesy device that couldve been taken straight out of the 60's series imo. So the first half imo is a masterpiece. Great, great story of Bruce's drama, his fall, his training, raise as Batman and him going back to Gotham to avenge Falconey and put him away. Terrific. But the other, not as interesting to say the least. I mean it is good but feels like it drags in places. It has its moments (I liked the ending and the "why do we fall" motif a lot), but overall if it was to be judged as a separate movie I wouldn't think much of it